大學生了沒 2012-07-19 從留學生的眼睛看世界!

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Tipster Rednimer

68 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2012-07-19 從留學生的眼睛看世界!

  1. I think the question about which nation’s people is more friendly really is an unfair question, I don’t think it should be asked! It really depends on the person…it just does. There’s no way to answer that question fairly…

    • 不過韓國人比較難接近是公認的 那個女的說什麽韓國人喜歡找別人喝酒是因為她去的什麽國家韓國人少沒法結幫所以才找些其他國際的人玩 要不然他們早就自己組幫派啦

    •  Well, I think what they meant is that it is ALSO in America and stuff, they’re talking about stuff they do in America PLUS OTHER PLACE.

  2. Who the heck uses ritz crackers to make s’mores? At least now I know what fraternities/sororities are called in chinese.

    • 皮肤白的老外会似為是日本妹. 个子高的老外會以為是北方女孩或韓国人. 可是老外还是喜歡黑皮肤的亞洲女生, 東南亞是他們的最愛! 又開方又便宜. 除非那老外比較年青或見識比較多才知道亞洲人也是有分別的!

  3. 不會很貴啊~100萬而已啊~~
    剛好而已啊~然後而已啊~YOU KNOW ~ YOU KNOW~ 
    不是靠自己能力賺錢就請閉嘴 OK? 還是你們跟葉少爺一樣腦殘呢? 顆顆~~

    • 我覺得你這種不認識本人, 看個節目就多多意見的人更好笑!

      又沒人逼你看, 結果不也是看完? 還花時間打這麼大一篇留言呢!

    • 你要不要等到你真的認識本人再開你嘴炮呢?

      你知道他們私底下有在工作嗎? 你知道他們在國外唸書很辛苦嗎?
      不是全世界的留學生都像你想的一樣 “you know~ you know”
      which by the way, “you know you know” 昰討厭的台灣假 ABC 才常掛在嘴邊說的~

      還有~ 世界上最沒用的人昰須要上網攻擊陌生人的人~

    • 出國留學本來就是要費用,留學生通常讀書方面也會一邊打工,

    • It’s “And then”, stupid! Who is 腦殘 here? Certainly not us! I agree with most people here, I really wish I could give you a piece of my mind! What you are doing is generalizing every people of one group to fit your description. But honestly, everyone is different! Their background and character is different! You can’t insult completely strangers this way, and not get really bad consequences! PLEASE GROW UP!!!

  4. Eh during the beer pong part, I noticed some of the students playing were sticking their arms out WAY too far into the table. I’m pretty sure you have to be an arm’s length from the table.

  5. Hahaha. I love the comment about broken umbrellas in UBC. It’s so true. UBC broke 10 of my umbrellas 🙁

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