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[YT] 不是好像
[YT] 6棒…
[YT] 距地表演呢首系咩歌??唔該答答我..
[YT] 不是被人罵或被人討論就以為很紅,開頭那什麼東西?誰可以跟我講,這垃圾片頭新聞到底是什麼?那兩隻垃圾 看起來很作做很噁心,很像國高中生同樂會再模仿程度一樣,一點都不好笑,製作這橋段的去死一死好不好?本來就覺得這節目很垃圾,沒想到久久看一次,更覺得垃圾
[YT] 阿杰才開始就發威了,害我不爭氣得笑了出來。
[YT] ;D ! Quite cool neh.
[YT] 蚊子跳舞真的很棒
[YT] 洪詩的性感被鮪魚给引导出来,更具女人味,他们两个很配!
[YT] 製作單位到底是搞什麼啊,一開始的新聞實在是十分難笑!很失望!
[YT] 阿本為什麼不是跟mei呢??
[YT] 男女在一起比较有火花, 个人想看lollipop和美眉的配对
[YT] 正如老大說 meimei跳舞真的很charming
[YT] 開場那段新聞竟然也敢拿出入見人? 製作單位是白痴嗎 ? 他們以為觀眾的笑點真的那麼低嗎 ?近來剛對黑澀會再次重燃希望 ,但現在竟然大幅刪減美眉 ,多位台柱以後只能偶爾見到 ,那還有什麼意思 ? 衷心希望這節目快點停播 ,還是男女各做各的比較放得開
[YT] 其實鮪魚跟洪詩這組表演很精彩
[YT] =3=
[YT] 虎牙跟taco只是第三名?????????不是吧!!! 真的…..很那個
[YT] 虎牙….你最好棒的
[YT] I luv 鮪魚&洪詩 dance 😀
[YT] Hey you can actually get a new laptop for free if you fill out some surveys.. its insane, check it out at intelplanet . com
[YT] This company is giving out brand new laptops in exchange for you giving your opinion and filling in some surveys.. they are limited though.. go check it out at intelplanet . com
[YT] 開心…有虎牙! 好久不見…..要加油
[YT] Hey you can actually get a new laptop for free if you fill out some surveys.. its insane, check it out at intelplanet . com
[YT] Hey you can actually get a new laptop for free if you fill out some surveys.. its insane, check it out at intelplanet . com
[YT] 難怪開頭的音樂那麼熟-v-
[YT] yuan chang jia you !!!
[YT] omg bbt didis are back!!
[YT] 洪诗超棒
mei mei跳得很棒呢
[YT] LOve Wenzi & Mou Ti performance !More natural & enjoyable!
[YT] 還是比較喜歡
有20位美眉,開場有跳班舞的 我愛黑澀會
[YT] 小涵還有小豬還會出來吧?!
[YT] i noe lollipop is busy but i still wanna see them all the time on their own show.
[YT] xiao lu!! hu ya!!! miss them so much. mei mei hot as always. i kinda like xiao lu’s new hair it’s different. more stylish than his old hair cut with the straight bangs.
[YT] lol! it’s like first 2 groups r rumoured couple performance
[YT] wei yu so hot!! i like his new hair cut.
[YT] so is from now on bang bang tang n hei se hui together? but no lollipop!!!!! i luv some of the choc 7 ppl but i still wanna see xiao jie, xiao yu, ao quan n the others
[YT] 我覺得他是以為要選第一名才選虎牙和taco
[YT] xiaolu and yutu’s dance look like what hyori and rain danced!
[YT] 莫非跳嘉宾的舞蹈,就能拿第一吗?那以后就直接跳嘉宾的舞蹈就好了。。。
[YT] 鲔鱼和洪诗很棒哦。。。也很配^^
[YT] 洪诗!
[YT] mei mei成日都攞第1,真係好<3
愛死你了,mei mei*3*
[YT] 睇到我嘩嘩聲-0-
[YT] 有冇人知taco o個隻係咩歌
[YT] 阿杰a3a
[YT] 很厲害欸 ! taco 虎牙那首歌是甚麼歌?
[YT] 小祿!!!!!
[YT] 6棒呢-0-
[YT] 我覺得洪詩.鮪魚應該拿第一~
[YT] 毛弟的髮型很難看~
[YT] 小豬不會不再出現吧!
[YT] 開頭動畫是抄襲日本「絕望先生」的動畫,而音樂則是直接剪日本K-On的音樂移植過來的,Channal-V. 至今仍死不認錯,只差日本原作沒來告製作單位而已。
[YT] 野兽帅哦!
[YT] 小涵小涵 呢!?
[YT] If Lollipop(6bang) were there, it would be better i think. im not trying to say that they r not good.
[YT] = =吳知有無get錯,2:30鄭元暢反問返d人員虎牙組係吳係第一名,可能佢覺得虎牙組跳得最好=]
[YT] 我超想蚊毛贏的.. 他們的默契超好的.. 這是雙人舞蹈.. 而他們的默契真的很好.. 動作與舞蹈都有符合雙人舞蹈的感覺..
雖然, 沒得名次, 我還是覺得他們的表演, 最印象深刻~~
[YT] 鮪魚故作那个镇定脸..还有点愁眉苦脸的…….
[YT] 毛弟和蚊子的衣服好像之前hannah&小傑也穿过 他们都没衣服么?
[YT] huh…..Wei Yu & Hong Shi. Sexy & Charming 🙂 Like Hong Shi expression
[YT] 超帅louis!!!
[YT] meimei always has a good perfomance,
and i miss xiao man so much…
[YT] aben is so funny!
[YT] 毛弟, 蚊子 FTW! 😀
[YT] 點解又係meimei 第一呢????
[YT] 每隊都好精彩 就是每1組都是會得獎的表演
[YT] 先還我小豬/ 小涵…..T_T
[YT] 第1集是適應啊 可能效果不錯大家還不知道
[YT] 我超愛鮪魚這個頭
[YT] 不怪得大牙和敖犬拍的那張分那麼開!!
[YT] 虎牙 毛弟 ^0^
[YT] 都很好呀~~
[YT] 洪詩同鮪魚好襯牙 ` ;]
[YT] 我好喜歡洪詩的那一條星星呀~~~
[YT] 終於有得睇la
[YT] 沒人要係看呀!!~~
[YT] ha…鮪魚好帥…
[YT] 我唔要棒棒堂男孩 … 我只要我愛黑澀會 … 搞成咁樣完全唔好看 la
[YT] i think wenzi;s group shoud’ve won at least smth,
[YT] 鮪魚愈來愈帥-3-
[YT] 范范姐姐~
[YT] Taco’s group should win. 2 hongshi 3 Meimei. Actually, it can be 2 Mei mei 3 Hongshi
[YT] 我不是不喜歡美眉…
[YT] 只不過是洪詩和鮪魚之前真的沒什麼交集
[YT] LOL, i don’t think xiaolu’s dancing matches with yutu’s . like different dance. LOL , totally .
[YT] 沒有6棒還是差一點點
[YT] MeiMei超正的!
[YT] 阿本好漂亮= =
so creepy
[YT] hong shi is hot man i thin =k she likk wei yu
[YT] weizhi and maodi should hav been first!! they were d best out of all of them!!!!!!!!!!!! n im not a fan of any if them. even i think they should have been first!
[YT] Love 毛弟 and 蚊子 performance !!!!
[YT] ….還我我愛黑澀會….全部新美眉 都不見了…
[YT] 感覺比原唱強了:))
[YT] 阿本枕頭超SET:))
[YT] 搞曖昧~~炒新聞~~~~
[YT] she did at the beginning, talked about hongshi
[YT] a jie GO!!
be yourself ^^
[YT] 鄭元暢笑得好欄看啊
[YT] 還好洪詩還在 <3
[YT] weiyu pls dun do thatT______T
[YT] yes, it’s true. all the mei meis are still in, just not this episode. like previously, not all meimeis are present in every episode, right? and now that the seats are lesser, even lesser meimeis will be in each episode, but they will come in some other episodes 🙂
[YT] 鲔鱼变帅了! o.O
[YT] li quan is so shuai! i love his new haircut <3
[YT] ajhhhhhhhhhhhhh their dance is so hotttt and scandalous omg hahhaaa i love it
[YT] love his new look!!!! even cuter now
[YT] agreeed! before i didnt see alot of potential in him, but now WOW!
[YT] iloveweiyu’s new hair looks so freaking awesome on him <3
[YT] 總比沒得看好吧
而且也能像洪詩 鮪魚 擦出火花來
[YT] i want their hoodies ^^hehe.
[YT] haha. maodi ‘s hair ^^
[YT] 野獸’s so handsome 🙂
[YT] 冇小涵既
[YT] 有誰知道小馬跟mei mei那組
[YT] 我發覺合班不好的地方了, 就是各人的粉絲都會埋怨自己的偶像太少鏡頭, 而且還有很多人投訴六棒沒來, 我個人只希望看到精彩的節目, 今天跳舞比賽的規格都近乎年終評比那樣的水平了, 自從棒棒堂完結之後, 我很久都沒有這麼想要每天準時收看黑澀會了, 底廸跟美眉們都很棒, 希望各自的粉絲們都要支持他們!
[YT] 鮪魚的新髮型好好看哦!
[YT] i know what you mean 🙂
ive been eyeing weiyu and noticing him since forever. lol
[YT] i know what you mean 🙂
ive been eyeing weiyu and noticing him since forever. lol
[YT] 本來就覺得合班不錯:]
[YT] 开头难看死了
[YT] 开头难看死了
[YT] If you realized, daya was the one asking hong shi to take the money when she went up. Because there’s no money inside the red packet. they just re-used the red packet.
[YT] 我原本以為合班完全沒看頭,
[YT] 兩個腦殘節目合而為一是吧
[YT] 1. hong shi/wei yu
2. huya/taco
3. xiaolu/yutu. :D!
yea, good that can see meimeis and didis again!
[YT] taco虎牙很棒!! 虎牙試新舞風呢.. 小祿帥~~~
[YT] 小祿帥!
[YT] outerspace de.
[YT] 新聞好悶
[YT] 你這樣說一說…發覺真的是呢
[YT] 什麼時候才有小涵看???
[YT] 鮪魚變帥嚕 ( :
[YT] 小祿帥!
[YT] apple has not talked at all today
[YT] 阿本和勇兔超好笑的
[YT] 野獸好像瘦了一點..
[YT] 鏡頭不停帶到美眉 都不拍底迪
[YT] 玉兔也很好呢, 力量的舞蹈
[YT] taco很厲害!!!!!!
[YT] 感覺沒有之前的棒棒堂和黑澀會好看…
[YT] ah ben is trying not to laugh
[YT] 老實說 洪詩和鮪魚真的配xd
[YT] 大家也是以好朋友的方法分組的啦!!
[YT] how did u know
[YT] 元暢=)
[YT] 洪詩很正啦!!!
鮪魚也有帥到.. 很配嘛~~
[YT] hot
[YT] hey, no need to make such a big fuss. even if she did, it was accidental. they are practicing for a performance!
[YT] Mei Mei is really cute and she dance really well xD
[YT] 毛弟勁左好多:)
[YT] 開始的音樂是K-ON的Cagayake! GIRLS!!
[YT] 阿本look like MJ..^^
[YT] !!
[YT] 鮪魚n洪詩 正 ^^
[YT] 虎牙跟Taco 好齊牙跳得 xd
[YT] 洪詩腿很美=^^=
[YT] 虎牙跟Taco的好驚人
[YT] ZZZzzzzZZz Opening 哪一段好干。。
[YT] meimei這樣好漂亮!
[YT] 好強.
[YT] maodi improved a lot!!! eat more fattening stuff, maomao! grow bigger!!
[YT] 洪詩 is damn sexy ~~~ luv their dance ~~
but hope 鮪魚n洪詩wont be the first pair got kicked out (coz of the rule — no dating ! ) …. they surely hv the “chemistry” between them !
[YT] 我好想六棒啦…..
[YT] 新妞都沒有了
[YT] THEY ARE BACK !!!!! Finally got sth to look forward to ~~~
[YT] 1.taco.虎牙
[YT] she’s in still. just not in this episode
[YT] yeah, i agree with JLuvAsM. if it’s some bigshot artist, they might discuss what they thought should be in the MV. but for newbies and most of other artist, they don’t really get a say in anything.
[YT] meimei正了!
[YT] darn…even though my personal favourite pair today was wenzi/mazodi, i’m just happy to see so many didi and meimei again. ^^
[YT] 開始的音樂K-ON!的op嗎- -?
[YT] yu tu is so slim
[YT] 阿本好正XDDD
[YT] 阿本表情好欠揍XD”
[YT] 洪詩 Hot Hot Hot!!
[YT] m0糖果??????????
[YT] 是的..
[YT] meimei正啦正啦正啦正啦正啦正啦正啦正啦正啦
[YT] 小馬 meimei
[YT] MEIMEI腿真的瘦多了
[YT] meimei正啦!!!!!!
[YT] I hope siu han can be here xd
[YT] 加油 我愛黑澀棒棒堂!!
awesome >>>3
[YT] 阿本很棒 哈哈
[YT] 小祿靚仔左好多。
TACO 同虎牙好勁,跳得好好睇。
meimei 小馬有進步。
[YT] 底迪跟美眉都表演得很好;]
[YT] yup
[YT] he looks more mature now 🙂 the chubby yeshou was cuter 😉
[YT] i agree! i’m not a big weiyu fan, but seriously, he looks good in all his hairstyles! even back in the early days of MFBBT, his flippy up on his head kind of hairdo (if you know what i mean xD), he looks good!
[YT] there is. just today, they dressed for performance.
[YT] 阿本好搞笑。
[YT] quite boring… D:
[YT] anyone want a lockerz invite :?? .. msg me up 🙂
[YT] 來了 終於都可以看了!
鮪魚如果真的心動也不難怪啦 哈哈
[YT] that news waste too much time seh
[YT] 佳作500 笑死
[YT] 小祿新髮型帥喔
[YT] yeah,有阿杰!
老大很 high xD
[YT] mei跟馬跳得超好耶!
[YT] 阿本超糗的XD
[YT] 希望三軍快點夠人!!
[YT] 阿杰!
[YT] 鮪魚真的好…..
[YT] 洪c正翻了//愛死
[YT] 勇兔雖然不算美麗
[YT] 鮪魚那個被定下來的樣子超好笑
[YT] 不喜歡洪詩..每次都跳這種舞風.
[YT] 其實我覺得阿杰在這裡
[YT] 製作團隊換人了嗎?
[YT] 對嘴對得好明顯
[YT] 野獸還是胖胖的可愛-_-
[YT] seldom see yu tu in this style, quite refreshing!
hu ya + taco’s performance is just amazing!
[YT] 好想看糖果演出呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 野獸以前胖胖的可愛很多啦=)
[YT] yong tu often impersonate man recently, so funny
[YT] 野獸廋了好多好多好多阿!
[YT] 野獸還是胖點好看..
[YT] no offence the 鄭元暢 but i really think bbt boys can dance better
[YT] 看見毛弟跟蚊子的外套
[YT] meimei!!!
[YT] 小婕我愛你!!
[YT] i think they should not separate the boys and girls to two different sides. can’t see both groups at the same time
[YT] yes. not too interesting, a little bit too long. but xiao jie is quite pretty in that performance
[YT] 虎牙加油…
[YT] 你好煩嚄`
[YT] 阿本…瑤瑤
[YT] wow they are ALL really good!!!!!! amazing~~
[YT] 野獸瘦好多。。。
[YT] 洪詩鮪魚很配啊xd
[YT] 毛d 整個像台灣龜梨和也
[YT] 野獸超瘦的!!!臉都瘦了!不可愛了….
[YT] 開頭簡直無聊咯》
[YT] totally agree! meimei rocks! among hei girl, she dance the best!
[YT] 哈哈
[YT] 鮪魚x洪詩 +sup
[YT] 洪詩跟鮪魚好配喔!!!
[YT] `好像回到以前的黑澀會
[YT] huya and taco are greattt!!!!
their performance is amazing=)))
[YT] 不必要的新聞- –
[YT] 很可憐呀@@~ 又不准談戀愛= =”又要把他們弄左同一個節目….
[YT] 蚊子跟毛弟的外套
[YT] 小蠻
[YT] 野獸變瘦了
[YT] how u noe they die le
[YT] 第一個定格下在阿杰xd
[YT] 洪詩很美+sexy喔*
[YT] 男女合班真的超好看的
[YT] 如果黑人跟范范一起主持,哪该有多好.
[YT] I think Wei Yu and Hong Shi should get 1st. Then 2nd, HuYa and Taco. 3rd, MeiMei and Xiao Ma.
[YT] tis is a new hei se hui?
so tat means last time one, dun have le?
[YT] 開頭有點無聊喔*
[YT] 還是喜歡范范做主持
[YT] 黑棒棒新闻应该要改进一下~
[YT] 我還是喜歡以前的我愛黑澀會-.-..
[YT] 詩杰…^^
[YT] 對嘴的- –
[YT] oh,,玉兔和小祿跳的舞是李孝利和rain跳的國標….great
[YT] 浪费5分钟。。。。
[YT] 死了囖`
[YT] new mei mei at where????/
[YT] 對咀?!?!
[YT] 其實我也覺得不用太管啊
一起上節目 感覺蠻好的啊!!
[YT] Ciara – love sexy magic..
[YT] what is the song played during 6:20 . ?
[YT] anyone noe where can buy the glove that weiyu wore? and the jacket…pls tell me thx!
[YT] 玉兔+小祿的是rain和李孝利在sbs上跳的國標~
[YT] 這才叫表演阿,今天真得很好看~我以為第一集就是大咖來宣傳加祝賀而已,想不到哪麼精彩!!!
[YT] 我觉得把他们感情管那么严完全没有意思
[YT] 野兽瘦了
[YT] Taco has the body of a gymnast.
[YT] wat is the song tat 鮪魚 &洪詩 dance?
[YT] 黑棒棒新聞是什么啊?..好冷場!
[YT] I already had a nose bleed after watching the first performance.
[YT] so from nw on hsh n bbt combine?(btw is this the first ” episode” )
[YT] 卡通人物開場……沒好感= =”
[YT] totally agree!! love wenzi!! she’s the best!~
[YT] 8:17 洪詩這動作可能會迷到全世界的男仕~
[YT] gosh seriously loving all the perfs all so amazing. <3
always love meimeis perf the most. realized how much i miss watchin her dance. shes really amazing at dancing. love watchin her <3333
xiaoma n meimei amazing!
gosh heiren always gotta make fun of meimei x]
[YT] to me wenzi/maodi ‘s dance is better than taco/huya’s one
but anyway, taco/huya were super good too
and I totally agree that meimei/xiaoma should be number 1 ^-^
[YT] aren’t they in mainland now? I saw them in news with sjm
that’s why they can’t come back in time for the recording no?
but they will be there once they come back to taiwan no?
[YT] hahahha LOL love ahben hilarious!!! love yongtu and ahbens perf!
im loving all the perfs so far!
maodi looks handsome.
[YT] MEIMEI!!! <3
meimei and xiaoma's dance is just tooo cool!
[YT] not sure but some part sounds like dicky cheung to me but im not sure.
[YT] even hei se hui also stop?
[YT] whose that guy dancer? its not joe right? or is it?
[YT] omg wenzi! I miss her dance so much!
she is adorable and so so so talented!!!
this is really the best blackies episode since so long!
[YT] 洪詩跟 鮪魚好配吖。。。
[YT] 千人迷-景行庭男孩
[YT] 洪詩的粉絲應該又暴增一倍= =
[YT] hhahah maodi and weiyu n xiaolu!!! love meimei so pretty xD
i hope tis is a new show! i thought i lost it all when both was cancelled but if tis is a new show with both joined im more excited! xDDD
[YT] is xiaohan leaving or will she be back?
[YT] it’s called chang yi shou ge (sing a song)
[YT] 新妹都到哪喇~_~”
[YT] lol@鮪魚 (~ – 3-)~
[YT] i want to ask that too.
[YT] 李铨<3
wish he performed 🙁
duddde wen zi and mao di r super good
[YT] 阿本怎變小支了 = =
[YT] yah is sort of rotate.. if not will be too many ppl.
[YT] wei yi shui
[YT] i dun like the news part. just get on to the show! 🙂
[YT] w/e happened to wen zi’s group? lol but i guess wen zi win everyones heart everytime haha
[YT] Although Choc 7 is great too, it’s not really 我愛黑澀棒棒堂 without 六棒!!!!
and the meimeis and didis should totally sit together instead of on the opposite sides… that way it’ll be easier for the camera too!
[YT] i want 六棒 and all of hey girl! and just about everyone! <3
[YT] 他們的表演都很棒!!!!
[YT] wei yu is so cute! ah i miss him!
[YT] 阿本好可愛~~~~~~~~~~~
[YT] yong tu and ah ben damn funny..haha
[YT] 喜歡看美眉and棒棒堂,,,,,,好看
[YT] 他们真的是越来越强了。。。
[YT] 如果六棒回来,那就好了~
[YT] 鮪魚 &洪詩一對官配的誕生
[YT] what happened to the other meimeis? are they not going to be in hsh anymore? or do they change meimeis every episode?
[YT] ohhhhhhhh hong shi’s dance makes me wanna nose bleed, they r HOT together!
ahahah yong tu’s dance so freaking KUSO!
[YT] 其實今天他們表演的都很不錯耶。。
[YT] li quannn <333 hes so handsome, how much hes not as popular with girls???
[YT] if i am not wrong is sung by 景行廳男孩. not too sure about the song title. o.O
[YT] 鏡頭很少Take到底迪那邊..
[YT] haha im so not used to this…
[YT] 毛弟真的太瘦了啦!
[YT] I know they would use purple color for the theme for this season. 🙂 xiaojie(G) so cute! 🙂 Love her lot. HAHAHA!
[YT] 我記得應該是小傑&hannah穿過
[YT] yup ! ;DD
[YT] lolol
[YT] 小傑和HANNAH有穿。。。
[YT] 開頭好奇怪….
[YT] 洪詩尷尬的樣子很可愛=]
[YT] is this new?? like combining 黑澀會 with 棒棒堂?
[YT] 像現在這么分兩邊坐,以后大目、A-MAY還有Kimiko這些評審老師來了以后要坐哪?
[YT] 野獸怎麼瘦這麼多….
[YT] 不喜歡看美眉的請離開謝謝。
[YT] wat song did yong tu dance to?
[YT] agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] i want owodog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 毛 弟 好 像 J 家 的 藝 人 了
[YT] i want owodog couple with hongshi too!
except all the fans are going to get jealous
just really really miss owodog!
[YT] 毛弟好像J家的藝人了
[YT] what song is zhen yuan chang and zhi ling performing?
[YT] 太多高手了~~
[YT] 毛弟的樣子愈來愈成熟..
[YT] 洪c 鲔鱼很配呀
[YT] 毛弟和蚊子的外套好像在新年時看過~
[YT] a ben and yong tu were prety good too
[YT] 黑人老大跟底廸多一點互動比較好..
是dancer嗎…? = =
[YT] I miss 六棒 . I want back . They are much funnier !
[YT] 毛蚊那組連前3都沒有!!!??
[YT] 大牙和阿本好可愛呢!
[YT] 小祿超帥~
跳舞很有力度~ <3
[YT] 小綜好帥哦~好高的說~
[YT] 蚊子~~~~~~~
[YT] 蚊子好厲害。她跳完都不喘的!
[YT] 對啊會不會回來啊?
[YT] 小马跟meimei跳的根本没有taco跟虎牙和蚊子跟毛弟跳得好,根本就是私心。做人可不能这样哦。制作单位都说taci跟虎牙才第三啊? 嗞嗞。
[YT] 哈哈哈..好好笑~
[YT] ahben is pretty!
[YT] 阿杰。最期待你了~加油~~~
[YT] 對啊 他們比較好笑
[YT] 胖一點比較可愛帥…現在比較帥但沒以前那麼可愛
[YT] 還蠻順的耶~嘻嘻
[YT] 對阿 = =
米奇 陶子 albee 不見的時候我超生氣的
[YT] 你們常說有棒棒堂就最好看…
[YT] 為什麼不找容嘉小香當助教
[YT] 難道又要拾棄新美眉嗎?
[YT] 野獸很廋
[YT] 小祿又帥了
[YT] 如果棒棒堂在會比較好看吧t3t
[YT] 肉你媽
[YT] she said but that doesn’t mean that’s what she grabbed. lol
[YT] yea its been like that for a while already, his wretch album has picture of him with that hair since last last month? 🙂
i agree. he looks really good in that hair.
actually he carries all the hair he has really well but this one is just awesome. heh<3 🙂
[YT] seriously ah ben has got to stop acting like a girl!! xD
[YT] 我之前在東張西望見到A-May老師和小綜!
[YT] was wei yu’s hair like that for a while ?
i dont know , but he looks REALLY GOOD with that hairstyle <33
[YT] 蚊子 蚊子 蚊子 蚊子 蚊子 !!
[YT] I think its pretty good~ Like the way now the show is functioning~ I like it a lot !!!
Hope Hongshi and Weiyu can get a drama togther!!! they actually look cutee
[YT] i also think 野獸 get skinner already…
[YT] so true the tango i was like thsi look similar and u reminded me
[YT] 一點都不好笑!什麼圾垃節目
[YT] 好啦至少阿本還滿有效果的= =
[YT] 节目叫 我愛黑澀超克7 比较好吧
[YT] damn hong shi and weiyu looked hot together
[YT] 是結合大悶鍋嗎?
[YT] yes, this considered a new show, since bbt ended so they mainly focus on hsh,choc7,ahjie,hu ya.
[YT] she said she grabbed his thigh
[YT] 小祿shuai!
虎牙! shuai! <3
xiao ma &meimei was hot. meimei looked really good dancing. ^^
[YT] 玉兔 copied another Korean performance. First it was Wonder Girls, now it’s Bi and Hyori’s dance from a few years back!
[YT] 阿本 so silly XD
maodi & wenzi was cool. mao di was shuai, his dancing improved, wenzi was awsome ^^
[YT] 怎麼會有肉棒堂,,fuxk!
[YT] 鄭元暢 shuai! ^^ cute how not only he put out an album but also ariel did too =P
鮪魚 &洪詩’s perfromance was hot!
[YT] meimei跳舞超好看!!!
[YT] I miss 敖犬!!!!!!!!!! <3
[YT] 是 love sex magic by ciara… justin just featuring..
[YT] Ciara feat. Justin Timberlake – Love Sexy Magic
[YT] 洪c <333
[YT] well heres the thing, most of the time they dont really get too much of a say of how the mv is filmed. its up to the director.
[YT] lol, the intro so funny, their costumes =P
haha right from the start they gang up on wei yu XD
[YT] 虎牙 好久不見喔-.-
[YT] sorta, though a skinnier version (face wise)
[YT] Finally they^Re back=D=D
[YT] 好久沒看到他們
[YT] the mv dance looks abit gurlish..
[YT] 毛弟長好高
[YT] lolipops just busy at this moment.. they will be back…
[YT] i skip so many parts if not for 黑人 i would have said bye bye to channel v
[YT] 小祿也太帥了吧?
[YT] 舞的一開始是SJ的sorry sorry嗎
[YT] 小婕<33333333333333333333333333333333
[YT] exactly what i was thinking !!!!!!
[YT] 根本就是因為meimei和小馬跳他的舞才給第1…
[YT] 生的小孩一定很漂亮/帥`哈哈
[YT] 阿本好好笑哦`哈哈哈
[YT] 總覺得有六棒在會比較好笑
[YT] 聽說6棒會幫忙錄外景
[YT] 她(他)们回来了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 沒有6棒的棒棒堂.好像很不同!!
[YT] 我觉得毛弟,蚊子 没拿到真可惜
[YT] a ben looks kinda like micheal jackson dun yu think so É
[YT] Are they going to continue with the 我愛黑澀棒棒堂 because today’s episode was great. I think they should have the show with the HSH girls and BBT boys together, it would get them higher ratings + it’s more fun. Can’t wait until tomorrow.
[YT] 很喜歡mei mei 的頭髮顏色喔
[YT] meimei太正到我流血…夆
[YT] i think the graphics of the opening isnt good…is cheesey…like it used to be cool but now is just werid and ugly…not as pretty and elegant
[YT] meimei grabbed his dick!
[YT] xiao lu***
[YT] 大牙的男裝也很正哦!!
[YT] xiao should sing lol…and love taco and huya’s dance!!~ love this new and improved show!~~~
[YT] 比較想看 犬+洪詩
[YT] go wenzi!~~ seems like xiao jong doesnt how amazing of a bgirl wenzi is lol
[YT] lol huya is known 4 being cheap 😀
but hes still a cutie <3
[YT] 野獸好瘦哦
鮪魚, 阿杰帥慘了
[YT] 阿本還是一樣好笑!! 呵
[YT] 鮪魚新髮型滿好看的
[YT] 鲔鱼真的太帅了!
[YT] hongsi and weiyu’s performance was hotttttt
[YT] 希望六棒可以快点加入!
[YT] 對嘴太明顯了吧….
[YT] mao di got better 2!!!!
aiyah. the didis r getting soo much better!
[YT] 很久沒有看到底迪la!!!
開心!!! 希望6棒也會上節目la
[YT] 这样感觉虎牙还是比较纯真。。呵呵。。感觉鲔鱼和小马接触女生比较多。。那懂得也比较多吧。。
[YT] omg joe is so cute:D<333333
tommrrow is coming be so fun ahha i can't waiiit
[YT] 既然已經合班了….還搞什麼分開座位….
[YT] 鲔鱼好帅啊~~~~~~
[YT] yu tu borrowed shoes from tang guo :p
[YT] 每個都帥呆了!!!!
[YT] did yeshou get skinnier or is it just me?
[YT] taco & hu ya<333333
xiao ma & mei mei waa see good:D<33333
[YT] oh……wuwuwuw
[YT] love, sex, magic by ciara feat. justin timberlake
[YT] 今天所有的表演都超棒,超好看!!!
[YT] 鮪魚+洪詩
帅哥+美女 超配!!
[YT] lip syncing much?
[YT] i don’t believe that’s right……
we already seeing 洪詩, 蚊子, 阿杰….
[YT] 對阿…真無聊….浪費時間..
[YT] wei yu got better at dancing
[YT] yup
[YT] what’s the point of that opening? kind of stupid….
[YT] yay..finally ~~~wenzi n choc 7
[YT] mao di & wen zi rocks<33333333333333333333
hahaha ah ben & yong tuo so funny hahahah love them together<333333333
[YT] 小婕,好噁心
[YT] love that dance! had to replay it !!!!!<3
[YT] 前面那一段是什么意思啊???
[YT] the whole idea is copy from the video so..
[YT] 洪詩跟鮪魚以後結婚好了
[YT] hahaha hei ren so funny ahhaha
hong shi & wei yu<333333
[YT] 期待已9
[YT] no… this show will only have hey girls and choc7
[YT] 小綜 鄭元暢~
[YT] 所以现在没有制服了哦?
[YT] 小宗加油~!!!
[YT] weiyu and xiaoma are such gentlemen, they let the girls hold onto the money, but huya just grabs the money from taco and said “i’ll give her later”… such da nan ren… =.=
[YT] 我想死底迪們了!!
[YT] thankk uu::D:D:
hhaaha sofunny hahaha
[YT] desire to see 洪詩 couple with owdog
don’t know why want them together……
[YT] 野獸扮誰?
[YT] i agree with you on the weiyu & hongshi part! ^^
but the shoes,
uhm? ==’
[YT] 鮪魚跟洪詩的舞蹈超棒!!! 而且他們看起來好配喔 =P
plus 很喜歡鄭元暢的addidas~
[YT] 玉兔瘦了??
[YT] wheres lolipop? are they goin be in this
[YT] 鮪魚越來越帥了!
[YT] yay! 😀
bbt is finally backkkk! 😀
[YT] 鲔鱼现在好帅啊~~~~~
[YT] love sex magic by justin
[YT] 洪诗跟wei yu的背景音乐叫什么???
[YT] ya tou so cute =D
[YT] 这个舞蹈有点女孩子味道。。。
[YT] 好久沒看黑澀會了
[YT] 有阿杰 =D ~~~~
[YT] 終於有得看!!! 超想棒棒堂唷!!
而且男女合班啦~ 而且老大跟棒棒堂在一起會很有效果 =]
[YT] i think 鮪魚 and 洪詩 is a cute cupple(:
[YT] 谢谢你哦! 好好看哦!谢谢sugoi!!!
[YT] yeaaa!!! finally here la!!
[YT] 我爱死你。。。终于合班了!!!又看到他们了!!
[YT] …..太好笑了~~~
[YT] ……太好笑了~~~~