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[YT] where Meimei
[YT] 黑瑤 so much better than her!
she is not as funny as 黑瑤
and also not natural as 黑瑤!
[YT] 愈看愈像鄭欣兒…OMG
[YT] 蚊子放很開=]…
[YT] 小涵鏡頭少又少…
[YT] 对啊~
[YT] 大瑤比較自然= =
[YT] 两个瑶瑶都支持~~~
[YT] 想不到虎牙唱歌蠻好聽到@@
[YT] 那个可爱瑶给人感觉好假喔~~节目里一直摇头,放空, 装可爱;太故意了点吧?
[YT] Wenzi is far more cuter than 郭書瑤 ! 😀
[YT] 我覺得阿杰真的好有點xd 超好笑xd
[YT] 新制服很好看呢。。好想看meimei,洪诗和玉兔穿。
[YT] 我喜歡抱抱瑤
[YT] 虎牙 ~_____~
[YT] 再看一次, 很好笑! “是不是”, “不好笑”是杰的pet phrase
[YT] 支持大瑤, 髮型好好看哦!
[YT] 美眉們的髮形都變美了
[YT] 大瑶好可爱
[YT] 我愛黑澀會瑤瑤^^
[YT] 对丫~
[YT] 小婕’s singing of xia yi ge tian liang is so funny! Hahaha.
[YT] 虎牙唱歌真的很好听~
[YT] 郭書瑤 is so ugly! her legs are fat!
whoever thinks she’s pretty has got to be BLIND!
[YT] 筱婕穿這樣很好看 :)
[YT] 看到小瑤讓我想吐!!!
[YT] 小瑤看起來好痴呆.
[YT] Some parts of her act is set of course. But I think she is quite leveled head. She knows how to sell herself very very well. And, if she comes out to get money for her family, that is no way she is a bad person. If u don’t like her, at least don’t hate her. 😀
[YT] i like hei se hui yao yao better the other one is annoying. i don’t like bang bang tang’s new clothes i like their old clothes better they look like they r doing some vegas show or something
[YT] wen zi!!! lol! she’s so cute. but damn she’s strong she can pick up xiao lu so easily
[YT] this show is fuckin stupid now
[YT] 小婕變聰明XD
[YT] 黑澀會瑤瑤比殺瑤漂亮很多!
[YT] 小婕XD
[YT] 瑤瑤好樣衰
[YT] 蚊子好可愛!!!
[YT] 今天沒洪詩ㄇ?
[YT] 小涵只有一兩句對白,之後
[YT] 這一集很無聊…
[YT] 支持黑瑶!!
[YT] 觉得郭书瑶很假。。。
[YT] 阿杰!!
[YT] 哈哈哈哈哈哈,还毛笔咧。。超可爱的。。铜锣烧被压坏了。。哈哈
[YT] 怎麼不見丫頭!
[YT] 可不可以不要新聞啊-____-?
[YT] 阿杰每次說不好笑我都會忍不住笑
[YT] yes ! 😀
[YT] 虎牙唱歌也蠻好聽的阿:)
[YT] huya sang quite well eh,,,,
[YT] 小祿….being his sister?!
is the same(:
is Xiao jie’s Xiao Mi’s sister?!it’s almost the same!!!
[YT] LMAO! 阿杰~ 好会接话哦!!
“收很大!” lolololol!!
[YT] 阿杰超好笑的xd
[YT] 阿本超好笑的xd
[YT] 黑澀瑤瑤得好多,又攪笑
[YT] 黑瑤今天好美: )
[YT] 小涵再也沒那麼多鏡頭,令我不習慣!
[YT] 阿本很棒xdd!
[YT] 都看到瑤瑤笑得好開心 是知道了嗎
[YT] 新型態看了三集,好無趣
[YT] 黑遙遙好厲害…!!
[YT] 黑人問那個抱攬誰要的時間阿杰苦笑xd?
[YT] 雖然黑澀瑤平時很愛假哭,
[YT] wei zi very funny!really look like yaoyao.
[YT] 黑人今集很搞笑 哈
[YT] 不喜歡郭書瑤 唔靚
不喜歡黑澀會的瑤瑤 唔靚
[YT] 小涵這樣的髮型美多了
[YT] ya, I agree. I like Tong Gao, Wen Zi, Ah Ben, Mao Di, Ya Tou. They should sit only one side of the place.
[YT] 瑤瑤的戲很假…(E cup)
[YT] they should put the didis and meimeis sitting together! put 3 rows of seat, and they can sit closer, at least they are on the same side and the camera no need to shift here and there! and everyone can see their favourite didis or meimeis together!
wenzi’s so cute!!
[YT] MeiMei 不在…
不好笑也不好看 =(
[YT] 始終還是老大主持好
[YT] 蚊子唱歌有進步!
[YT] 欸 怎能這樣… 合堂原來只有這麼少人會出現… 那洪詩就不會常出現囉…
[YT] 小祿很輕而已~~~
[YT] 想要看 meimei, T_T
[YT] 佢有著褲嗎?!
[YT] i saw someone so familiar… that guy appear in welcome wai xing ren before! he is that zai nan…551…the guy right at the end…
[YT] so happy that wenzi’s in 3 eps in a row…but quite frustrated that xiao han is still in the show…but i think she’ll be the bg..hopefully lol
[YT] 看到小祿,我笑了…
[YT] 蚊子唱過這歌的呀
[YT] ugh they skip so much of it. th starting news thing always waste so much time
[YT] 小婕好像小米姐呀!!連聲音都好像呀!!
[YT] 嘩!蚊子好厲害!連小祿都可以抱起!
[YT] 分明是讓瑤瑤美眉那邊贏的…
[YT] hei se hui is so nice, they give yao yao a chance & say tt ppl shouldnt dislike her coz its her job, I AGREE!!
[YT] 不喜歡郭書瑤
喜歡黑澀會的瑤瑤 🙂
[YT] huya voice is quite nice and man=)
[YT] hahah xiaolu as rongjia.
OMG they put fake eyelashes on xiaolu!
dude xiaolu is wayyy to skinny.
wenzis so cute.
[YT] 越睇郭書瑤越覺得佢唔靚。
[YT] 筱婕穿無袖很好看呢
[YT] 哈哈 “english very good”
[YT] they recorded already if i’m not wrong.
[YT] and she is such a bitch.. look at her.. so gross.. omg.. she’s famous because of her big boobs.. for god sake, she is not pretty at all !!
[YT] 哈哈哈 阿杰~
[YT] 對, 那五分鐘可以直接fast forward ..
[YT] 哈哈 小祿演容嘉好好笑哦
[YT] of course her fans aren’t going to say she looks ugly!
heyyy, they’re just outside the recording studio.. i really like ahjie’s personality~
[YT] i still don’t think she should be ‘famous’…
[YT] i also think so is liu bang gonna come soon ?
[YT] xiao jie could not sing
[YT] 洪诗哪些什么时候会回来?
[YT] omg ah jie haha
[YT] 鮪魚跟阿杰都變帥了
[YT] 小祿好輕喔
[YT] 大牙 阿本 so cute~
[YT] 黑瑶瑶这个新造型漂亮很多耶
[YT] ahjie looks like kim hyun joong
[YT] LMAO “that’s my daughter” ah Ben is so funny
[YT] y meimei neva come, i miss her background voice. i love her sooo much![as a fan, i am not a lesbian]
[YT] is qibang wearing liubang de former tie?
[YT] 6:4x 路人都看到有攝影機啦- -…
[YT] “大家好,我是容嘉”
[YT] 没有Meimei不好看~
[YT] 蚊子
that’s right得好可愛~
[YT] 蚊子~~~也太可愛了吧~
[YT] 連3集都有蚊子~
[YT] aahha ah ben’s wearing fake eyelashes during the news report!! they’re so funnY!
[YT] 每次看开场都干得要死
[YT] 蚊子很cute啊!!
[YT] actually i think the singer yao yao’s voice is pretty good
[YT] is shinny
[YT] LOL Daya and Aben’s news hella funny. 😀
[YT] her voice was hella edited
[YT] 瑶瑶(黑涩会)变漂亮了
[YT] 被外星人入侵底迪! 哈哈 ^_^
[YT] Many didis’ performances were cut ==
[YT] haha ah jie is awesome!
[YT] 吳俊諺 帅
[YT] 小祿演容嘉??哈哈,有意思
[YT] 鮪魚好可愛哦!!!
[YT] Okinawa is a really beautiful place<3
[YT] hu ya improve:)
[YT] 蚊子好可愛XD
[YT] 阿杰超好笑的
[YT] 快笑死了!!
[YT] 蚊子好可愛˙ˇ˙
[YT] I think their uniforms are ugly, or is it just me.
[YT] 虎牙歌聲還不差!
[YT] 隱藏相機,應該是針孔吧
[YT] 何必那么故意捧她
[YT] 阿杰愈來愈好笑啦XD
[YT] wen zii<333333333
hu ya sing good:D
[YT] 这集也太好笑了吧~
[YT] 阿杰….xd
[YT] 小涵變熟女?!
[YT] 童顔巨乳 xDDD 瑤瑤你太有才了 xD
[YT] ah jie so funny hahahahahhahaahaah
[YT] 終於見到瑤瑤了
[YT] daya and aben is so cute when they are doing the news~!!
thx for sharing
[YT] yao yao so funny hhahhaha
wei yu hou shuaai<333333333
[YT] 小婕演技进步了哦!
[YT] 有容乃大,笑死我了 xD
[YT] Hope that is not water in that bottle. Drinking water that much in such short time can lead to water intoxication.
[YT] wen zi hou ke aiii<333333333
[YT] 蚊子好好笑哦..是演上癮了嗎?哈哈
[YT] 好快!謝謝你耶=D