我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2009-10-22 粉絲同樂會 Lollipop (下) / 黑澀棒棒堂粉絲見面會實錄

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196 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2009-10-22 粉絲同樂會 Lollipop (下) / 黑澀棒棒堂粉絲見面會實錄

  1. [YT] 我超爱 虎牙跟阿杰!!

  2. [YT] 我是香港人,香港因為只有一家電視台獨大,綜藝節目跟劇集都不會有進步,水準每況愈下,而且香港太多偽善虛假的人,導致香港節目的尺度比日韓台,甚至國內還要保守,說話有一點點過火又會投訴,女生稍稍露乳溝又投訴,節目題材有爭議性又投訴,甚至逗觀眾開心的娛樂節目在黃金時段播出也會被投訴沒教育意義,荒謬至極

  3. [YT] 我是台灣人,想請教香港朋友。在香港youtube上可看到台灣的娛樂或戲劇節目,好像很受香港朋友的喜愛,請香港朋友比較香港和台灣節目的差異。謝謝。

  4. [YT] 可是四跟事不是同一个音。

  5. [YT] 你是傻逼吗? 四和事是同音??? (“si” VS. “shi”) 怪不得他们把题算对了, 果然台湾国语没有教好.

    正解的例子: 似是而非 (你该不会以为”似”和”是”也是同音?); 驷马难追, etc

  6. [YT] 每part都看到你說的.

  7. [YT] 我不喜欢组合的节目。我只爱看我爱黑涉会罢了。 不喜欢看棒棒糖的人。浪费我的时间。男人爱看女人罢了,又不是看男人。和最始终的节目目的差太远了。我看到不久这样的节目会淘汰。记住:我爱黑涉会是专注给男人看的节目,这样节目才会永久被支持。 不想有太多的男人插进这节目。明白吗? 越来越差劲!!王八蛋!

  8. [YT] Nobody cares tangguo?She is so pitiful,every time they bully her.she already say the idiom and hei ren answer”don’t have this sentence”.Anyway tanguo still remain kind and sweet!Love her 4ever<3

  9. [YT] I think that both 王子 and 毛弟 have their own shiny way. I don’t think one of them is better or whatever. I know that they are bro and people tend to compare them. But I see no needs to do so.

  10. [YT] 王子 had a similar hat as 毛弟, haha he had to add the last words about being more shuai. its nice how he gave words of encouragement to 毛弟 and showed up to wish him a happy birthday. ^^

    I know its said they dont get along, who hasn’t gotten along with their younger sibling at one time or another? but deep down they still care for each other, and you see that between the two of them =P

  11. [YT] haha 野獸 got scared, though his whole look is like show, i think show wore a similar jacket on 100%, but 野獸 does look cute ^^
    haha ahjie playing andy ge =P
    毛弟looks hot, like his look XD

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