我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2009-11-04 超認真男女情歌大賽

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396 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2009-11-04 超認真男女情歌大賽

  1. [YT] 王兔音質還不錯,氣也夠

  2. [YT] 雖然我真的覺得小祿唱得比較好聽啦
    但是meimei 是有很多背景呀音樂呀襯托
    但小薰的技巧實際好一點啦!it’s not fair!

  3. [YT] 其實我覺得. 聽歌很主觀.
    好聽不好聽. 都是自己覺得而已.
    因為他們也沒有很會踢. 甚至不會踢~

  4. [YT] 无论我唱歌好不好听,我就是觉得小薰唱歌不好听,说这种话的人一般都是无法反驳别人才用这种话来搪塞。一个人会不会品尝一道菜,和他会不会做菜无关。你又知道我没本事了?就算我没本事,我还是能说小!薰!唱!歌!不!好!听!因为她的嘴巴张得很怪,就连说话都感觉不舒服,不是人身攻击,是个人感觉。理性点

  5. [YT] 看了棒棒堂那麼久, 我好似是第一次聽虎牙唱歌耶!
    除了中間忘站還有破音, 我覺得他的聲音還算不錯! 一開始還滿好聽的…

  6. [YT] 我現在很想扁那王xx王志平!! 我x!! 他腦子有問題! 我一定要把他丟到海里為鯊魚! 敢說薰不會唱! 去x啦! 我xx的第一次這麼上網罵人!!

  7. [YT] 我批评小薰?我觉得小薰唱歌不好听还不能说啦?这个我是不是飘飘有什么关系?还黑飘飘呢黑涩会的美眉本来就没几个会唱歌的,会唱歌的都跑没了,黑girl最好的还只是大牙,小薰连大牙都比不上,可是我是要说小薰唱歌不好听小薰唱歌不好听小薰唱歌不好听小薰唱歌不好听小薰唱歌不好听小薰唱歌不好听小薰唱歌不好听小薰唱歌不好听就!是!不!好!听!

  8. [YT] 之前有個人更說dd不應該跟mm一齊合作做節目..

  9. [YT] uhhh he was ask to come on ther as the judge so no duh hell bein givin his opinion n be talkin…
    n i thought it was hard to decide both were good. but since they started out xiaoxun was an ok singer on the show not meimei, meimeis perf today was good. n xiaolu n yeshou n same level.

  10. [YT] 小薰跟MEIMEI 的話, 我覺得小薰唱的昰不錯的, 只是音準方面因為這首歌不太適合小薰的声線, 可是我覺得挺有感覺的 只是老師講的 “不是每個部落的人後很會唱” 也太傷人了吧! 他有不是常常聽她們唱歌 xD 而且KEYBOARD 老師好像也不太熟悉這首歌.. 小薰唱到一半才彈到.. MEIMEI 的所有SETTING都幫她準備好. 不過MEIMEI 這首她選對了, 她唱的也不錯. =)

  11. [YT] 真的很不明白为什么一些dd的粉丝一直在攻击mm…
    mm的粉丝从来都没有攻击dd.. 而一些dd的粉丝就不停 一直拼命地攻击mm…
    是怎样阿!! 就称赞和支持自己喜欢的人就好啦… 为什么一直要攻击别人呢… 这样心情会好,身体会比较健康, 钱会比较多吗?…

  12. [YT] omg!

    this is the FIRST time i heard 虎牙 sings! i think he sings pretty well. I thought he’s like ah wei type who can’t sing at all. lol.

    but he impressed me.

  13. [YT] I seriously think this was a tough battle.. xiao lu and meimei did pretty well ; same goes for xiao xun and ye shou.. but still, i think xiao xun fared slightly better compared to meimei.. 🙂

  14. [YT] geez all these girls really cant sing
    they would all get swiped in the first round for singing shows.
    their pitch is either really off, is rushing the tempo of the song, and also dont use your abdominal when singing..very weak sounding

  15. [YT] yea, she should win this easily. but in my opinion, its a bit biased, for the effects of the show. it is expected that xiao xun will win so they’d want it to turn out different.
    the judge clearly said that xiao lu is the better singer overall but it doesnt matter because it was meant for the two girls to PK

  16. [YT] 小祿’s so good at singing, meimei was pretty good, nice duet ^^
    野獸 is good at singing too =P
    no offense but if it was just 小祿 vs.野獸 it would be hard, but the girls kinda brought them down. though i would have picked meimei as well cuz she sounded better in this instance ^^

  17. [YT] ya, i think none of the meimeis are in elite level of singing. Didis has 小祿, 野獸, 阿杰 and then 鮪魚, 毛弟, 虎牙 are actually average.

    meimeis i think only has 小薰 that is a little above average. then the rest average or below. 大牙 is a little above average too but not in the competition. 小涵 and 小豬 has good potential, but 小豬 didn’t compete today….

  18. [YT] xiao xun ye shou sang btr thn mei mei xiao lu , the guy judge very unfair . it hurts all 原住名 when the judge say 不是每个原住名都很会唱 ,since he say till so happy tell him come out sing lah , dun sit there tok tok .

  19. [YT] 好想聽大牙唱噢。。。

  20. [YT] Mei Mei和小祿走在一齊,顯得小祿很瘦;Mei Mei 很胖啊!

    野獸唱黑色毛衣很帥很好!很不公平,小薰沒音樂,Mei Mei 卻有!黑澀會從以前已很偏心MeiMei!

  21. [YT] I feel that Xiao Han for some reason was not trying her best in the performance and that Hu Ya was. But I think Xiao Han can kinda sing but didn’t do so in the performance.

  22. [YT] i think xiaoxun sings better than meimei. but in dancing. i think meimei is still the best. hahas yutu face was shock upon hearing meimei had won. yup. really unbelievable. xiaoxun and meimei rocks! jiayou!

  23. [YT] meimei and xiaolu the best!!!!!!!!!! theyre perf was absolutely amazing loved it!!!!! <333
    i really just wish their perf was interrupted, i wish we can watch the whole thing without interruption of havin to click on the next vid (this vid)

    haha heirens always gotta pick on meimei.
    meimei n xiaolu were good on their own too. hahah can hear maodi makin fun of meimei when her turn to sing her solo x]
    CONGRATS meimei and xiaolu!!!!

  24. [YT] well just cuz u thought it was really well doesnt mean the judges have the same opinion as u. u cant go n say “wats wrong with the judges?”
    i actually thought that they were ok but not too well so 10 was an ok score, mayb just a bit higher…

  25. [YT] ahjie sings so well n hes funny, good one x]
    omg love the song ahjie n yutu were singing!!!!

    haha my gosh (sry to fans of wangzi with anyone else) but i like wangzi with yatou now yatous singing with his younger bro haha.

  26. [YT] LOL it’s pretty obvious that at 8:06 there was nothing in xiaolu’s black MAC bag..
    but it’s okayy it’s not the make-up that matters..they got first place nonetheless! [:

  27. [YT] 阿杰 does all the harmony even 玉兔’s part!
    cause at the part that goes 幸福的每一天, 浪漫的每一天, its meant 2 be 玉兔 that sings the high bit!! but as long they’re comfortable with it!! cause i’m jst mentioning it, so no one take offence!!

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