我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-02-01 新生徵選會 III

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145 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-02-01 新生徵選會 III

  1. [YT] 基本上如果新生有比學長姐好的話
    因為都是基本上節目裡頭會唱歌的美眉真的沒幾個 大多是跳舞專長 所以可能製作單位都要求徵選最好要唱歌 嘉文我覺得很會唱 但是就是太緊張了 不過算很有可塑性了 希望她能在加油

  2. [YT] agree wif Jackobe24 and thewackykid.. nowadays or lik last yr.. the show is getting boring.. 米奇, 洪詩, 玉兔, 勇兔, 陶子, 巴冷, 蚊子, 糖果, Taco that period v.strong.. hei girl come back lik do nth, jus sit there and waste time..and made the show boring..

  3. [YT] @kenngyk


  4. [YT] 每況愈下, 真是糟糕。


  5. [YT] @Jackobe24

    think the most talented batch of HSH seems to come from 2006-2007.. ppl like 玉兔, 勇兔, 陶子, 巴冷, 蚊子, 糖果, Taco… the batches before and after tha period lacked quality…

  6. [YT] that girl dancing cyndi’s dance can’t even dance. I am not saying that I can dance better than her or whatever. But if WAHSBBT accept this kind of people, i don’t know what to say man. Up till now I only think that Emma can sing.

  7. [YT] 終於明白什麼是每況愈下….

  8. [YT] 如果黑Girl,七棒,三軍,和以前的人(例:瑤瑤,玉兔,糖果,勇兔等…….)都沒了,只剩新生,收視率會更低吧!是有這麼缺人?現在新生也沒小涵,薇安,小豬好!好懷念以前的黑澀會和棒棒堂!

  9. [YT] 如果收視率一直降的話,為什麼還要選新生啊,老實說,又不會比以前好看,反而更差,不如不要選還要好.

  10. [YT] just don’t watch then…you know what this episode’s gonna be about coz it says right there on the video title…if you choose to watch it..then just keep your mouth shut

  11. [YT] I agree…they’re totally ruining Rainie’s songs..and plus her songs aren’t that easy to sing…she can sing many lines without taking a breath so it sounds beautiful…but when these meimeis sing it, they sound choppy and out of tune…

  12. [YT] 真的。。。 好不想看这些新生徵選會。 好烦阿。还是好几个episodes才能選出一两位。支前蚊子他们一episode 就選出来啦。很浪费时间。

  13. [YT] i think i might be a little annoyed this time .
    becauseee . The new meimei and didis are up and at the same time they’re picking newbies .
    T____T .
    but i have to watchhh or i’m gonna be lost in the future when the newnew people go on .

  14. [YT] @extroardinaryx actually it’s a lot tougher to get in then it used to…..

    becasue people with zero talents like Apple, 小婕, 小蠻, 丫頭…等 they were able to get in HSH……

    so fans think their standard is really low, so they would even come to try out knowing they have no talents…..

  15. [YT] sorry to sound offensive. but its getting easier and easier to get into wahsbbt, cause all people that sings are not that good, and the standards are set lower. so they have to pick a okay one out of bunch of contestants. but it doesnt mean the okay one is actually a good singer…..

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