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[YT] edd媽都幾歲了.. 還穿露肚的 = = “
[YT] 如果 真的沒把禮物給Taco媽媽的話 我想會引起眾怒吧 … 相信很多人看到這段的時候都哭了 ㅠ^ㅠ
[YT] lols xiao xun de dance a bit lame sia..wad tap tap the clothes and the hanging equipment.?? =.=
[YT] 每年妈妈都增长一岁??这也好笑?? is supposed to be a sad sentence rite? 1:07 da ya laugh is so dam pure FAKE.. bloody faker.. this type of person 2 much ulterior motive..心机非常重。。不好的人。。
[YT] 每年妈妈都增长一岁??这也好笑?? is supposed to be a sad sentence rite? 1:07 da ya laugh is so dam pure FAKE.. bloody faker.. this type of person 2 much ulterior motive..心机非常重。。不好的人。。
watapig 19 seconds ago
[YT] 每年妈妈都增长一岁??这也好?? is supposed to be a sad sentence rite? 1:07 da ya laugh is so dam pure FAKE.. bloody faker.. this type of person 2 much ulterior motive..心机非常重。。不好的人。。
[YT] 哈 哈 媽 咪 真 紅!!! 異 想 天 開 演 唱 會 實 在 太 棒 了!
[YT] 胖弟好像瘦了!^0^
[YT] 台灣的蔥爆肉絲是把蔥切那麼細的嗎……..
[YT] Taco媽太明顯啦
[YT] 知兒女莫若母啦XD
[YT] 爆Q用玫瑰形容EDD….(笑)
[YT] @W1313iY 好嘔 = =
[YT] 好像很久沒有這樣多人了
[YT] 有玉兔嗎??
[YT] 不是啊~
[YT] 是KARA的MR.阿~~很好聽呢;超愛這首歌xd
[YT] @wing3616 那個不是edd嗎 ?_?
[YT] @dreamzshadow wt about the others???
[YT] 所有的母親無論接到什麽禮物就算是一張卡只要是自己孩子送的都甜在心裡!!
[YT] 黑人變態..-3-
[YT] 黑人變態..-3-
[YT] Now Hey GIrl only have 4 official members 勇兔,糖果,小薰&丫头.
[YT] @sodagreenlover
the answer is yes 🙂
[YT] @sodagreenlover yes they did
[YT] @HikaruXKarou 叫阿本把EDD吸收到公主幫!! 哈哈~! 但是現在公主幫也只剩下幫主阿本了!
[YT] Taco is so pretty and grown-up now!!! 😀
[YT] 大牙好笑~
[YT] 看到胖弟=]
[YT] 丫頭同媽媽好好感情~ 一直都拖住手~~~
[YT] 小涵那個我超期待
[YT] 希望快點到下星期
[YT] 為什麼我覺得EDD有做公主幫的潛能…囧
[YT] wow! 下星期讚啦! 玉兔 爆q 小薰 小涵!
taco丫頭讚喔! edd不錯!
[YT] meimei and xiaojie not coming back anymore? I MISS THEM!!!!!
[YT] 笑死-.- 黑人 我笑慘了啦-.-
[YT] TACO的反應好可愛喔! 蛤!?
[YT] 6:28阿杰好可愛^___^
[YT] yako真的很孝順 好懂事喔
[YT] 下星期的好精彩哦!
[YT] 小薰他是用kara的MR做背景音樂
[YT] @sodagreenlover
yes,they have join hey girl,now is 4 members:勇兔,糖果,小薰&丫头。
[YT] EDD 好可愛。\
[YT] i want ask that, 勇兔and糖果, is it that they joined hey girl ?
[YT] EDD好好笑喔~~!!
[YT] 笑死左….
[YT] 全部底迪都站起來看他們 哈哈
[YT] 小涵加油=)))))!!
[YT] 因為玉兔不好看
[YT] Taco真是孝順的孩子!看了這段真的很想哭…
[YT] when is maodi and liquan coming back??
[YT] @Nightberrii yea.. mothers days in many asian countries too i think..
[YT] edd长得好像他的妈妈哦~~~~
[YT] I notice that EDD and his mom look so much alike…
[YT] 怎麼這集沒有玉兔和兔媽媽:(
[YT] Can’t wait for next week’s episode!!!!
[YT] Today is my birthday too
[YT] taco 那段好感動喔, 我都哭出來了~~
[YT] 小薰加油!
[YT] so it’s mothers day in taiwan as well..