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[YT] 光聽到這節目的’旁白我就快瘋了…
真的不舒服 sorry= =
[YT] 跟模仿少女時代的比起來
看不出來是認真想做好表演 還是想惡搞…
想惡搞就自己在家惡搞吧 要在電視上播出的…
[YT] 蚊子跳的比較好
繼續加油 !!!
[YT] 蚊子跳的比較好
繼續加油 !!!
[YT] 丫頭滿分其中一個主要理由會是, NU ABO這支舞本來就很好看.
[YT] 我有一件小涵的衣服耶-.-
[YT] 韩国音乐和舞蹈近年这么火不是没有道理, 韩国艺人相当努力,舞蹈从编舞到各种细节都让很多人喜欢,很多人说韩国人抄袭,我觉得只要做的出色,受大众欢迎就是好
[YT] 曝q跳少女时代.果然没让我失望!!
[YT] apple做这么久主持人但主持能力还那么差
[YT] @iloveyoughost 彤彤也有跳abracadabra 嗎 ??
是那一集呀 ?
[YT] yatou’s really cute!! she did great!
[YT] oh wow. it’s been a long time since a watched a WAHS-MFBBT! I miss ’em!!
Ah Ben’s still so cute!! yatou’s still a kid. haha. super cute!
[YT] @iloveyoughost 那台的潮流~~~呵呵
[YT] 其實不管怎麼樣~~~畢竟他們沒有像韓國藝人那樣得長時間受很嚴格的訓練
一下子就要求眼神 舞步都到位 是很難的
但~~~小錄啊!! 你如果把全部集中力都放在舞蹈是會更好的
[YT] 丫頭的舞蹈動作不夠到位
f(x)的NU ABO節奏感強
[YT] 小涵的2個伴舞是她同學吧,跳得跟小涵一樣怪..
[YT] 小涵的2個伴舞是她同學吧,跳得跟小涵一樣怪..
[YT] 彤彤在娛樂百分百跳得比勇兔好多了…
[YT] 彤彤在娛樂百分百跳得比勇兔好多了…
[YT] 看丫頭跳舞好像只是在玩,沒有看頭
[YT] 太久沒看我愛黑澀棒棒堂了,怎麼全都在模仿韓國-.-
[YT] 其實不Da da da啦…
是chick co chick co chick
[YT] what the–im better than the guys dancing saying this with confidence for the first time…hahaha XD
[YT] 蚊子这才叫10分啦 赞同 ha07668 小孩版~
[YT] 我好想哭了!!!!别在模仿Kpop了!!!!!!!!!!! 小涵跳的好怪怪怪怪怪怪
[YT] M的把SNSD Oh 跳成好像人妖show *&%¥#@#&#%¥*
[YT] 赞同 super2010521 2ne1?Una 跳得不好,服裝業不好,接歌也接得不好,影衰2ne1啦!超沒力的!還給8分!!小綠太瘦了!有點怪怪的,和他的風格不配
[YT] the one who danced NU ABO is really good..
[YT] 小涵!<3
[YT] 好心你地啦!跳得唔好就唔好跳啦!
[YT] 丫頭的感覺比較可愛,f(x)就比較強勢的感覺。
[YT] even me dancing oh! is better than he
[YT] it doesn’t help that yatou is so skinny and just looks like shes flailing everywhere
[YT] 可憐的傲慢舞
[YT] 爆q跳oh 噁心死了!!
[YT] una是新美眉嗎?之前好像沒見過。可能是因為太久沒看這節目了- –
[YT] una是新美眉嗎?之前好像沒見過。可能是因為太久沒看這節目了- –
[YT] 閃閃的金基範兩首都跳得好很多
[YT] 小涵 &蚊子 shows you the differences between 业余 &专业
[YT] 我覺得丫頭跳得很好. 進步了很多~~~ 😛
[YT] 跳OH那個男的到底在亂跳什麼= =
[YT] 只能說真的沒有很好看 = =
[YT] 原諒他們吧!他們只有很少時間練
[YT] KARA舞是扭得剛柔並濟剛剛好的..小涵把它跳得很怪..
[YT] 丫頭其實整體是很進步不錯的..
[YT] @nancyhui1013 其實各有各做嘛..始終綜藝節目都會有這些單元的..
[YT] @pig831 對對對!權最愛扭XD
[YT] 2ne1?Una 跳得不好,服裝業不好,接歌也接得不好,影衰2ne1啦!超沒力的!還給8分!!小綠太瘦了!有點怪怪的,和他的風格不配
[YT] @ssceconn HAHA YES! Kwon’s abracadabra’s the best!
[YT] @IluvHKong
she is wenzi:)
[YT] I think they all did very well ^^ They’re only trying XD the point of these competition is make sure that they’re gaining skills in dancing! ^^
[YT] V台會不會太誇張阿! 把音樂銀行.人氣歌謠買來是很好啦! 可是連節目都整天模仿…
[YT] Loved Wenzi dancing XD she really amazes me sometimes ^^ Good job XD
[YT] @superjuniorlover94 I agree with you ^^ Kpop celebs do it all the time XD and I like it! So don’t hate people! XP
[YT] I think Ya Tou did a lovely job ^^ She added her own style in there instead of completely copying so I think she did great ^^
[YT] Cool ^^ I didn’t know about Una I’m guessing she’s new since she said its her first time XD Good job xiao lu ^^
[YT] lupin不是這樣跳的!
[YT] 跳的也太爛了吧 – 既然要上節目就不要跳的這麼敷衍!!!!
[YT] 丫頭…太扭了吧=.=
[YT] That Guy lol i give him credit for wearing that. and even trying haha i like the humor. K-Pop celeb do it all the time (dancing to girly songs) i don’t get why C-pop guys can’t? Stop hating its Just for fun guys.
and that girl earlier….NO comment
[YT] Ya Tou was actually pretty good compared to the other girls.
i don’t think she did the moves wrong, i think she just changed it up so it suites her better. i mean theres only a few people out there who can only pull off the F(x) Move.
Shes super cute! but the voice….not comment. i don’t think i can stand talking to her for like a minute lol
[YT] 龍龍的蚱蜢舞 ,可愛~
[YT] 天啊,她確定自己在跳OH?!
[YT] 丫頭的舞蹈感覺怪怪的…沒有跳出NU ABO該有的力道
[YT] 扮2NE1口個人一d都吾似
[YT] 蚊子太厲害了
[YT] OMG , he totally screwed snsd OH . -.-
[YT] 我愛黑澀棒棒堂終於有一集能吸引我了!
[YT] 小涵是熱舞社的.所以呢?
只小扭腰那裡她能做好 .
[YT] 小涵沒有任何部分是跳的好的!!!!
[YT] 扭腰那邊根本不是那樣扭的!!!!!!!!
[YT] 他根本就沒有看仔細那支舞蹈吧= =
勇兔根本就是全身都在亂晃吧= =
[YT] 小綠跳的太僵硬了= =
Tae yang跳舞超屌的ㄝ!!!!!!
[YT] @kissthepants123 i know. and it’s not that she danced wrongly.
her dance is just choreographed differently.
[YT] @q30231 搖的太誇張+1
[YT] 影衰Brown Eyed Girls 囉… 唉!!!
又肥~ 一啲都唔高傲,.似搞笑多d =”=
oh my god!!!
[YT] 少女時代 … 原本還蠻期待的
可是根本就是亂跳阿 ………..
[YT] @farahinstar the girl who dances rain hip song likes 2ne1 a lot.. she wants to dance to 2ne1 and wanted to choose the song.. but since the guys crossdress a girl’s perf, she decides to do a guy’s perf instead..
[YT] I think at around 5:28 they did mention 2NE1.. Can someone pls translate for me what are they talking about??
[YT] @OYALICE 說的很有道理啊,以前也有很想看這個節目的衝動,現在已經忘了它是什麼了,一點意思也沒有
[YT] @sin9023122 對他來說已經是一個很大的進步了
[YT] 太陽.小祿…都是我愛的><
[YT] @Isabelllovemayday but the song is originally f(x) and also, she danced wrongly.
[YT] i think ya tou dance better than fx. HAHA!
no offence.
[YT] gosh . its like seriously fail . if the una din take out her specs, it’ll be better. —.—
[YT] 希望下次蚊子跳sj的baonmana啦,太帥了~
[YT] 那個小涵是在幹麻?
[YT] wenzi is so cool!!
[YT] i think the boys dance oh! are better than the lupin cover!!!
my opinion is she spoilt the kara’s dance…
[YT] 只有蚊子是跳得好~帥!
[YT] luckily i speak both english and chinese 😛 this is kinda epic.
[YT] 我絕得跳ㄧ點都不高傲,高傲的點在哪我看不出來
[YT] i’m sry, but the KARA cover really suck. and if i get thumbs down for this, it means u really know it sucks. the girl who danced hip song was like better than her back up dancers.
[YT] OMG the guy dancing SNSD oh was into the spirit but the dance moves were like…..
[YT] ㄚ頭跳得太用力了
看起來會不好看= =
[YT] @OYALICE 台灣人怎都不愛國一點阿 不支持一點就只能陸續被他國取代 這樣真的好?
[YT] @OYALICE 你這裡也複製這同樣的話上來是有什麼意義嗎?
[YT] they swayed their hips tooooo hard. tsktsk
[YT] wts. una didnt dance a shit out of FIRE’s mv=.= except the beginning. her fashion sense is OMG problematic=.=
[YT] 洪詩 糖果跳OH的話應該會很好看
[YT] i haven been watching WAHSH for 2 years i think and i saw this vid on kpop sites….Ya Tou improve so so much! WAOH!!!! last time she really didnt know how to dance but she improve so so much!
[YT] 整個把BEG當笑話看待了 明明就是一首好歌 被你們這樣一搞 整個好讓人生氣喔
[YT] The Lupin performance was a complete mess!!
Wen Zi’s dance was very very good!!
[YT] wenzi is good , as usual 😀
[YT] yongtu is okay, slight overdone the hip movement. the dancers behind did worse than her. kwonnie’s kkap version is still the best 🙂 kudos t yongtu also! she did better than the dancers. seriously.
[YT] @ssceconn yeahs, kwon’s is JJANG 😀
[YT] louis jjang! not bad leh! if the hat is more slanted, it would be better 🙂 seriously, taeyang’s solo is difficult .
[YT] 反正這個節目收視率只能靠模仿再稍微撐一下
以後V台就只要輪流播”人氣歌謠””Music Bank””show!音樂中心”就好了
[YT] @wongiyan 是BONAMANA
[YT] The fire movements was wrong~
[YT] @samiao90: Also, some more Korean songs that are “cute cute” type are “Pretty Girl” and “Rock U” by Kara. “What a Girl Wants” by 4Minute. “Haengbok” by Super Junior. “Candy” by H.O.T. “Sweet Dream” by Jang Nara. ALL THOSE SONGS ARE “CUTE CUTE” TYPE!!! So, how can you say “cute cute” type is not Korean??? Of course, not ALL Korean songs are cute type, but a lot of them are. And like I said, especially “Kissing You” by SNSD. Even “Gee” and “Oh” by SNSD could be considered “cute cute” songs.
[YT] @samiao90: What do you mean “cute type” is not Korean? Have you ever seen the music video for “Kissing You” by SNSD??? A ton of SNSD songs are cutesy. And a lot of old S.E.S. songs are cutesy. Also, go and watch “Ya Ya Ya” by Baby VOX. It’s super cutesy. TONS of Korean songs are, as you said, “cute cute” type. So, I don’t know what you are talking about.
[YT] Apples’s LEggings is like on 2ne1’s MV Space version
[YT] 我覺得小路本來就很厲害 但是這次表演就還好 哈哈說不定是因為太陽表演的太好了哈哈太陽好棒 看完真的台灣的藝人真的要加油..韓國真的很厲害
[YT] do you have sub???i really want to understand this show T.T
[YT] 蚊子很厲害:)
[YT] Ya Tou knows all the moves but she doesn’t know how to control her body movements with them. She kind of flings her arms and legs around (maybe cause she’s so skinny) without giving them proper control. She shows really good emotion through her face and she’s confident but she needs to restrain her movements to give her body the emotion as well.
[YT] i wish there was eng sub for this 🙁
[YT] Dancer跳的比較好:)
[YT] guys? i’m not so into kpop, and i’ve never seen nu abo’s dance. but speaking from dance technique, yatou is really good already. i know, you all might think that she didn’t do it as well as f(x), but if you have been following to her performances, she’s a hell lot better than she used to be. she used to be off beats, forgetting steps, confused by steps and so on. this is really awesome for her! i really think she deserve her full marks. also, her voice is NOT fake.
[YT] 2NE1的歌被剪的亂七八糟,小祿跳的不錯,但真的太瘦會沒有剛柔明顯的表現。
[YT] @liltwinkleblu yeah, she did.
[YT] @aSnRainbow she loves to eat and can eat a lot, but she’s just small 😀 and her voice does take some time to get used to.
[YT] 少時的舞蹈的確多人跳起來比較好看!!
[YT] 說實話..我覺得偶爾讓他們模仿比賽都是好的..
而且男扮女都的確需要勇氣..但感覺他完全是來亂鬧我= =
[YT] 我覺得丫頭如果能夠把力度控制好都已經會好很多了..
[YT] @Shirayuiki yeah, i agree
[YT] @felicia3felixz actually, either is correct. the english title is spelled and prounounced as “Lupin”… in Korean, it is spelled as 루팡 (lupang), that’s why koreans pronounce it as Lupang 🙂
[YT] 少女時代既舞都可以跳成咁?一D都唔尊重!
[YT] yep they are swinging their hip with too much force. They are supposed to swing it slower and lighter and give that look. Key can do it so nice when he’s a guy why cant yongtu do it? Plus i think Jo kwon did it better. ^.^
[YT] 蚊子…帥:D
[YT] 勇兔其實跳得不錯呀-_-但表情不太對…
[YT] f(x)的舞都很難跳出精髓…要力度又要柔軟度…
[YT] 小祿很棒;)
[YT] 幫丫頭伴舞的比她跳的好==
[YT] UNA好靚女;)
[YT] 那2位老師真不知如何給分,
我看只能給7分吧- –
完全支持starsugar40 ::: 對大眾喜歡韓國明星的粉絲有點不尊重!!!!!
[YT] 丫頭跳得好奇怪…太用力了…
[YT] help= =!
[YT] 跳kara的超差
[YT] @j070194 對
[YT] 小涵連褲襪都沒穿好…..是上節目欸= =
看1:24的時候 明明是直條紋的褲襪 一腿是值得 一腿變斜了…..
唉 我的2NE1和KARA都被跳壞了……
[YT] Great performance Wenzi ! Really love her dance,she always perform the best !
[YT] 拜託不要再批評了 我都笑死了 看節目enjoy就好
[YT] 超克7解散了?!?!?!?!
[YT] 其實可不可以不要做這種單元?
對一些不精于舞蹈的可能有幫助, 但對小祿勇兔這種本來就很厲害的來說就是浪費
與其讓底迪美眉們去模仿別人然後被別人的粉絲批評, 倒不如讓他們跳出自己的風格
[YT] i love the girl who did hip song! finally i was smiling to a performance. oh! was just purely laughing
[YT] I’m sorry, but her Lupin was disappointing.
[YT] I couldn’t stand watching Oh!. I must say that he was the worst out of the lot. Most of them can’t really do the dance well. However, we must know that they are not the original artises of the song. Obviously, their dance will not be as good. Its the effort made that matters.
[YT] the guy who did wedding dress was really good. however, the 23ne1 girl was a little…i guess not enough energy.
[YT] 勇兔其實跳得不錯啦..但扭動的部份真的跟beg差太遠了..
還有表情也不對..好像囂張了(?) 這樣看來..反而變了壞女孩的感覺呢@@
[YT] LOL the kara one was .. nevermind. wished she could have picked another dance instead.
[YT] OH is real terrible. sones are so going to kill you
[YT] i fine with 2ne1’s part. but for taeyang’s dance, it was quite bad. Taeyang’s body is more flexible and smooth. xiao lu did it too stiffly.
[YT] Fire 2ne1 is good i luv 2ne1
[YT] @cheeriOh68 uhh i wouldnt say they’re taiwanese best groups. they’re not the best. lol.
[YT] Nu abo was way too exaggerated
[YT] They look so stiff …
and theyre doing it all wrong = =
[YT] eng subs?
[YT] basically, up until this part 3/5, nobody exceed the original star yet. These people just “copy” too hard. But Thumb up, it’s already very well done, imagine we tried to copy as well..only one word will be able to describe… “fail” :p
[YT] 不要污辱少女時代!!!
[YT] 不會跳就不要跳嘛
[YT] oh no… bad cover for wedding dress & abracadabra, they dont get the main point
[YT] 韓國的歌手組合真的很出名…
[YT] i hope wenzi does some classic hits by DBSK or SJ, i think she’ll be the only person who seem like wouldnt ruin the song lol
[YT] aw that girl who does hip song is so cute and such a good dancer!
[YT] BEG’s cover was pretty good. Oh! was hilarious lol
[YT] 丫頭跳的好奇怪…
[YT] ive decided that f(x)’s damn cool. i mean they’re all younger than yatou (except victoria).. how long have they been training to dance that well x:
[YT] Gain跳明明超sexy的 我看是因為勇兔腳不夠細吧 完全沒有高傲fu 還有為何高傲那部份…鏡頭由下往上拍 感覺好猥褻……
[YT] 請他們別自以為跳得很好好嗎???
[YT] this show’s standard has dropped quite abit since i last saw it x:
i mean some of the old girls dance really well but their new girls are quite rubbish dancers? and not v pretty either x:
[YT] 小祿身型大隻一點會更好更傷太陽!
[YT] 我很喜歡gain 的,,,,她連人家團名都唸得…=,= 高傲部分 腿分太開了 好像上廁所一樣,,,,,一點性感也沒有,,,,,~!!
[YT] Ya Tou’s performance was not bad but i guess she’s dancing a little bit too fast, it seems like the dancers can’t cope up with her
[YT] Although I like 我爱澀棒棒堂, but i still think that k- pop is still better and more popular
[YT] wenzi should totally join mblaq. LOL
[YT] when the 4 of them did abracadabra together i almost died. heiren, why are u so funny?!!
OMG is the blondie supposed to be JESSICA?!!
[YT] OMG heiren is f*cking hilarious
[YT] 勇兔本身會跳舞沒話說
但高傲舞部份差很多欸= =
去看看Brown Eyed Girls..佳仁怎麼跳吧
人家sexy多了 -.-
還有攝影師是怎麼拍的阿 -.-
跳的最高潮的部份鏡頭往老師那裏拍 = =
會不會拍押…. = =
[YT] @angelgals i think he is referring to “inkigayo”, means popular songs aka “人气歌谣” in chinese 🙂
[YT] 勇兔跳得不錯 🙂
[YT] wooowww wen zii!! you’re my dance idol!! <3
I’M NOT GONNA LIE, IT WAS AWFUL. I can do better than her and I’m 15.
but the girl? who danced to Rain was awesome xD
[YT] ya tou is AWESOME!!! ^^
[YT] 老大!
哈哈哈,老大跳舞也 ok 🙂
Y 頭她肩有點怪,感覺很故意的擠著肩膊。
伴舞的 dancer 比她跳得好看耶。
[YT] UNA 真的跳得不 ok
[YT] America needs to guess which child hood star I am. I fell from the top and I’m trying to find my way back.I need all of your help to make it happen, so check out my video and tell me what you honestly think.
[YT] Sorry but I dont like the way they make fun of Oh
[YT] The girl who dance NU ABO is cute and she did a pretty good job but her face make up like Change LOL
[YT] omg im about to barf and die of laughter
[YT] Fire :She didnt dance anything at all except eh eh eh part.
[YT] @dreammssxxJJ
actually some of them are from girl/guy groups..
this show produced lollipop and hey girl, 2 of some of taiwan’s best groups
[YT] @kennytan94
hahhaha well, thats cuz this is not a variety show and theyre actually a talk show..
[YT] @puntosuspensivo
yeah this show is where hey girl and lollipop came from
[YT] i am a sone but i find the guy who dance oh! funny… the guy on the left is sica,the middle 1 is tae yeon then how about the 1 on the right?(juz curious)
[YT] @IluvHKong she’s a girl…her name is wenzi …one of the best performers on the show….
[YT] 沒有公司捧新人又沒有好歌好dance -v_
[YT] I was wondering if anyone can tell me if ya tou is the one who acted with Bang Bang Tang?
[YT] 好噁心的oh!
[YT] abracadabra is a real hit~!
[YT] that girl apple.
wasn’t she from Hey Girl?.
[YT] Last time i am also this variety show fans but i find it that Korean show is more entertaining and more funny this show is more boring and boring
[YT] rain hip song was that a guy or a girl?
[YT] @aSnRainbow thats like her signature voice or something lol
[YT] wow ya tou dances pretty well
[YT] koreans are juss naturally pro at dancing[x yu hafta have uberskillage to perfect most kpop dances haha xP btw , dont take this comment too seriously guys , cuhz its juss a joke. dont go apeshit on me
[YT] Wow that was a girl!?!?!? Damn she was the best one..(aside from the wedding dress person)
[YT] OMG that’s like a baby Hyunah xDDDD
[YT] I wonder how much the “idols” practiced their dances….it’s making me flinch and wince. Even a couple of the backup dancers were better. And the Wedding Dress cover? *shivers* I know that nobody can best Taeyang, but….I never knew you could feel embarassment for someone else.
[YT] 我只能說.幸好這個節目有蚊子在拉…幸好.幸好.幸好.
[YT] omg.為什麼abracadabra跳成這樣??勇兔本來是一個跳舞很屌的女生啊.跳這次,把ABRACADABRA毀了..
[YT] 雖然丫頭跳得跟fx差很遠,不過相對於她本來在跳舞方面很弱.現在又努力,算進步了.
[YT] YUI甩臀比勇兔好看一百倍,我敢發誓!!!
[YT] @AMIRRAA13 actually, for most of the girls there is 4 years, most of the guys is 3plus years…
[YT] omg..》為什麼abracadabra跳成這樣?? GAIN說過,ABRACADABRA的重點是高傲無的態度跟擺臀的幅度,太OVER就A掉了,或者整個漏氣了…很明顯..這就是….漏氣.不舒服..
[YT] the person dancing to rain’s hip song was the best!!
[YT] @ghostbabe38 agrees.. wenzi’s backup dancer is much better.. and wenzi’s great too!
[YT] ♒✿♒【 Yatou danced v well.. much better than I expected.. cos this song isn’t easy to dance with honestly speaking =) 】♒✿♒
[YT] 為什麼這麼性感的擺臀會被她搖的這麼大力…
[YT] 為什麼很漂亮的擺臀會搖的這麼用力= =
[YT] 她都動腰- – 搖錯了吧
[YT] BEG的舞不是隨便扭的
拜托 真的一點也不像
不要開玩笑 好不好!!!!
[YT] @lolgalrox feel like crying after c thislol
[YT] 阿本好笑.勇兔跳得好有feel.
[YT] @Lydiawen00 跟太陽差太遠了啦
[YT] 看了真的覺得…唯一不能比的是韓女藝人的腿和身體的比例,韓國人的腿都美的跟什麼一樣
[YT] 蚊子真的.GOOD!!!
[YT] 勇兔跳得不錯
[YT] @alex0261 和我有同感~
[YT] 蚊子 和 爆Q 的反窜 真的差很多诶..
是不是说 女生反窜可以说是那么理所当然的好看 甚至很棒
男生的反窜 反而就.. 会有恶心的成分出现??
但是 爆Q 还是很搞笑.. 谐星..~
[YT] i think the girl did pretty good at nu abo but she is SO SMALL(&she has a weird voicexD) o__O
i feel like an elephant when i see her XD
she should gain some weight
BUTshe is pretty good^^
[YT] @panny886 i don’t hope so ,,they must dance badly
[YT] 我倒是不希望他們跳SUJU的歌
一開始阿本還說一模一樣= =
[YT] 小韓的衣服真的挑的太隨便惹 = =
[YT] @33rainynights oic hahas thanks =D no wonder all their kpop live videos aired in this epi credited SBS
[YT] 小涵 不知該說啥 動作真的很硬 服裝更不用說 -.-
跟舞群相似的服裝 卻沒有搭配起來 看起來很隨便
重點舞蹈逃生口 … 像別人說的 不聽音樂,我不知道他是在跳Kara的歌…
蚊子 真的很厲害 小隻 肢體舞蹈卻很強
[YT] At one point xiao lu’s locking performances got a bit boring for me because we’d seen him do the same kind of thing so many times. But watching his old videos, i kinda miss that energy and nimble-ness he had when he was locking
[YT] @angelgals sbs inkigayo. channel v bought the rights to air the show in taiwan.
[YT] 大目眼镜带下 脸有小哦~ 嘿~
[YT] yeah ya tou’s style was different, but i thought it was nice 🙂 a whole new feel to it. very lively!
[YT] is there any subbed ones???
[YT] @Lool897
而且banamana跳得話必須體力很夠 不然跳完會直接倒地
[YT] @byarter567
[YT] @ASIL75722
[YT] 正正常常跳下2pm..u-kiss..sjsu都ok牙..點解要反串跳SDSN,,=.=
[YT] 我的天啊 UNA .. 不聽歌 還真不知道 在跳誰的歌..
[YT] arghh!the abracadabra! I cant feel the sexyness AT ALL! sad case
[YT] @dreammssxxJJ sorry to correct you..but they are quite famous idols in Taiwan. and they have been on the show for more than 2 yrs probably 3yrs now
韓國MV舞蹈水準這麼高 有記憶力 那是日本可以比的
[YT] 個爆Q做乜9野???同侮辱無分別
[YT] 丫頭♥
[YT] @SBLSUCK 什麼不學學亂罵人
[YT] 唉…廢到叫媽=[
[YT] anyone noes what is the title of the kpop show on channel V that hei ren kept mentioning?
[YT] wen zi is great !!! Her dance always amazes~
sadly, the lupin dance was kinda off… none of the steps were on the dot and complete =(
[YT] @hoyansango hahas i agree!! lol then again, jo kwon’s version is classic kkab kwon =D
[YT] 不聽音樂,我不知道他是在跳Kara的歌…
[YT] 沒有把BEG歌曲的韻味跳出來,太硬了..
[YT] 希望台灣能走出自己的風格…..
[YT] @siutung1103 說的沒錯….看的讓人不爽….
[YT] 跳法的跟NU ABO的風格不一樣..
[YT] Fire要跳的有氣勢還蠻難的..
[YT] 這一集根本引誘韓fans罵人
[YT] Ya Tou wasnt exactly very good.. Wen Zi should have won.
[YT] 蚊子的動作很硬 但rain有一點點柔的地方在
[YT] are you sure the Lupin girl was a dancer? it was totally bogus.. i could only say good effort, she couldnt even hit the easiest move.
Wen Zi is the best dancer and has the best backup dancers
[YT] I think Ya Tou was trying too hard, but the Sulli part was good.
[YT] at least the abracadabra girl was more precise in moves than the NUABO one.. she danced way better than her backup dancer too tho it wasnt exactly right.
the Oh! was digusting but funny 😀
[YT] Another one that sucks so much and still dance. insult to lupin. omg. no wonder this show is dropping in viewership. with this kind of rubbish on screen i can see why
[YT] err.. the moves werent exactly.. exact
she was insync and offsync here and there..
and it was overly-exaggerated..
but i guess for her, its an effort
[YT] what the hell, the one who dance snsd’s oh! sucks. pls don;t insult the dance if you are gonna dance so badly. disgusting
[YT] i honestly think tt the ppl who post their dance covers on youtube are way better than these guys
[YT] 我覺得BEG的換成APPLE跳比較好…因為APPLE是跳慣性感的嘛…她的肢體比較會抓
而且MV裡面的一個性感地板 APPLE也可以做得到!!!
[YT] 小孩版~~~ haha~~~ 很好笑~~~~
[YT] 丫頭跳舞是不是縮起了肩膀?這樣很影響舞蹈動作的美觀,動作也改了蠁多的,也太用力了。
[YT] 其實我覺得ㄚ頭已經很棒了,可是有點太活躍了,如果用力一點會比較好;]
[YT] @hoyansango
totally agree with the last line! (:
[YT] That’s Pro
[YT] 2:37 failure – the part is one of the hardest steps in Lupin, I wonder why she chose that song -.- Hip Song was nice
[YT] 爆Q如果沒心要模仿的話就不要跳了!我在他身上沒感覺到認真這回事!
小涵很厲害 依樣問題是出在服裝 要選sline凸顯的衣服 不然整個很弱
整齊度大家都沒有 韓團最重要的就是整齊度 要模仿這是基本…
[YT] fire cut到亂七八糟的 ……
[YT] 勇兔跳的不錯 問題出在服裝…服裝拖垮他的舞技 枉費…這支舞這麼難跳把她跳這麼好…
[YT] 我覺得ㄚ頭還要再練習個一年在出道會比較好 目前沒看見藝人那種閃閃發光的特質
[YT] 美少女模仿韩国跟黑涩棒棒堂模仿的韩国的团体有的比吗???
[YT] 練習生時期的艱苦訓練阿
[YT] abracadabra dance was a good try…but she did not bring justice to the song. her hip movements are way too large and fast and not sexy at all. ahh…i would rather watch jo kwon dance abracadabra
[YT] Whoah, that Wedding Dress Parody is good!
[YT] 爆Q畫面左邊那位舞者是不太會跳嗎?拖拍讓整體動作不一致而且動作又做的很小放不開…=.=
[YT] 美少女停啦, 让黑涩棒棒堂播!!!
[YT] hope they find their own genre and perform 🙂
[YT] 我常在想 我們台灣的風格什麼時候可以傳流出去!!都一直學日本 韓國他們的風格~
什麼時候換日本 韓國他們學我們呢=.=+
[YT] eh he was okay i guess, good job for dancing to wedding dress, but TaeYang is so much better <3
[YT] 沒有副歌,而且2:40 ~ 2:43 完全跳不對 3:12~3:25 完全不對 3:19才是挺胸 他太早用了
我還以為他要改編勒 結果還是錯….
[YT] the girl who danced lupin was really really off beat. she cant even dance well. plus i don’t like their choreography. they should just dance the whole dance of lupin and not add in other random dance steps.
[YT] 爆Q好正XD但他好像在亂跳= =
[YT] fail at kara’s lupin…….
the girl who danced rain’s hip song, SHE’S AWESOME! very good body expressions and everything! what really got to me was at 6:34! ta shi hen hao! (hope that was right XD)
[YT] The guy who did wedding dress was better than the nuabo imo.
She was off sync a lot more
[YT] everyone did the starting dance (hip shaking) incorrectly. your legs aren’t supposed to be that spread out…… but they didn’t do too bad on the rest of the dance. the point is to be sexy and stuff.
love guys who are willing to dance girl dances! x)
[YT] oh my crap. i totally DID NOT expect ya tou to be such a good dancer! wow! she did a great job!
[YT] ehhh they’re average >.< i do give credit to the guy dancing taeyang's wedding dress cuz he did taeyang's solo dance.
[YT] she try her best but…………
[YT] 我好喜歡這單元..因為我有看好多韓國的音樂節目…最愛韓風啦!
[YT] 2NE1的FIRE的確不好跳 可以跳得像但很少跳得好
[YT] i think tt taeyang is so much better i mean ALOT BETTER then him~
[YT] KARA的那首 舞蹈員跳得很好看-3-
[YT] i really love Ya Tou dance , she dance very have the punch ….
[YT] The girl dance Kara’s Lupin so stiff.-.-
[YT] 勇兔腿太開了阿!!!!!!!!!
[YT] @charleslee1989 huh what jaejoong? i dont understand what u talking about did u comment wrongly and oh as in the shao nu shi dai i was refering to the channel v one the mei shao nu shi dai! Erm dont get me wrong cos i seriously dont understadn what u commenting on? why u suddenly talk bout jaejoong??
[YT] @lilaznpersn123
有兩個星期嗎?? 可能我搞錯吧
[YT] fire其實不好跳
要跳出2ne1那種氣勢還挺難的= =
[YT] @kimjaelove01 丫头
[YT] 勇兔跳得好硬,帶不出BEG的真正的高傲感
[YT] yong tu’s dancing was alright… her backup dancers as well… but i agree with anyone who said that she overdid the hip move. it was supposed to be slower and sleeker, like more purposeful…
i’m probably gonna get thumbs down for this but i’ve gotta say kwon’s abracadabra is way better than all of them =.=
[YT] Shouldnt they have like Rising sun, Purple line or mirotic by dbsk? They were such hot hits! Maybe it was of high difficulty level?!
[YT] 不說是在模仿lupin 我可能還以為是自創舞勒= =
服裝也不ok= =
[YT] 1:56-1:58是怎樣= =? 評審很帥嗎????
[YT] @kimjaelove01 her name is Ya Tou
[YT] 我覺得2NE1是模仿不出來的
[YT] 什麼不學學韓狗
[YT] The girl who danced NU ABO reminds me of 4Minute’s HyunA a lot!
They really look a like. She’s really cute. What’s her name?
[YT] 我觉得丫头跳得有点慌张。。她的两个伴舞老师反而跳得比较好看;p
[YT] 蚊子 number 1!!!!
[YT] wenzi is just naturally cute because shes so small. >_<
[YT] beg’s dance was too bad = =
[YT] nothing beats the original .
oh and i dont know that apple is now an emcee
[YT] 鲔鱼也跳过tae yang 的舞!!^0^
[YT] OMO? What is that guydoing?
[YT] 怎么没有鲔鱼??sad……
[YT] I know that Kpop is popular, and I love Kpop myself, but can’t they do something else? I don’t know, something original for a change, instead of always trying for Kpop imitations.
[YT] louis did a great job in the solo part ! <3
[YT] I like the abracadabra dance 🙂
[YT] @KyuHyunWookieLove they’re not like super famous in taiwan..they’re just regulars in this show. like rookies.
[YT] @KyuHyunWookieLove they are famous they are also idols in taiwan..
[YT] Wenzi is the best… XD The best perf I mean the one that is really the best was hers… OMO… XD
[YT] I thought the second guy was a little stiff.
[YT] totally agree with the judges’ comments over wenzi’s performance. she’s great.
[YT] @tpIceCream
Really!? wow thats awesome! she danced great!!
[YT] ohhh no BB T.T ♥
[YT] Wow well wenzi really did justice to Rain Dance (y) i liked
[YT] are these famous taiwanese people? or just random citizens? O:
[YT] lol.. i dont get it.. how come taiwan artists dont start making songs more like this? get some jolin or show to change their style and make some Cpop lol
[YT] Ya Tou looks like HyunAh a little
[YT] @cat6218ine haha yea, 美少女時代 is a waste of time
[YT] I liked the Hip Song perf. Cool~
[YT] I like the nuabo performance.
[YT] wow im impressed… even though here can be tweeks here and there her moves were tight and controlled… with a bit more practice it would be better
[YT] the Oh dance did not even close make me giggle D:
[YT] the girl who danced to Rain is beast!!!
[YT] wow i really liked Xiao Lu dance of Wedding Dress!!!!
[YT] both dancers moves were sloppy in my opinion
[YT] Ya Tou is sooo cute!
I never know she’s so good at dancing.
Ya Touuuuuuuuuu
[YT] love wenzi’s performance especially her opening. simply just love her!
[YT] agreed YA TOU and WEN ZI did the best! xiao lu was good too!
[YT] wenzi soooo cuuuute
[YT] @likefoshox3 He was singing too. It’s difficult to sing AND dance. Kpop idols usually have their other members dance complex while they sing. For example, SNSD, the singer is always doing simple moves while the rest do the dance and then they switch singers.
[YT] i really wish lollipop qwas still in here i wonder who they would had danced to
[YT] ya tou;’s voice is NOT FAKE! for those who do not ya tou and this show
but i think she did good
[YT] OMFG first Xiao Lu did hearbreaker now wedding dress~!
i love it hahah
xiao lu is pretty good!
[YT] DAM WENZI. owned it~~
[YT] @Lool897
NU ABO 好像比 Bonamana 早两个星期
[YT] if i see Nobody/tell me/sorry sorry i’m kill someone. Seriously. taiwan loves those songs WAY TO MUCH.
[YT] 小祿 too skinny
[YT] or boybands such as big bang, mblaq or beast 🙂
[YT] Agree! Her performance, especially her entrance was so awesome!! so powerful!! Wenzi you are the best!! jia you!! hope you can dance korean girl dances like 2ne1 next time!:)
[YT] NU ABO isn’t meant to be super sharp 😐 or super cute…or all over the place. If Ya Tou toned it down just a bit it would be okay
[YT] KARA :).
[YT] @woodrain08 that’s her original voice… her voice is born cutesy…..
[YT] ya tou was pretty good :).
she’s adorable.
[YT] How did I know Wedding Dress was going to be covered =.= Slightly annoyed by the song nowadays =.=
It’s better than the last time they tried? Una chose a fairly easy dance 😐 It wasn’t sharp/enthusiastic enough. Xiao Lu actually did a pretty good job. I just didn’t like it very much khs I’m use to watching more petite people do it 😛 That’s just me though
[YT] no offense the guy who danced to wedding dress wasn’t that good.
his back up dancers were great (:
[YT] I coudlnt help laughing at Hip Hop. Not cause she sucks but she looks like a little man-girl boy like “WAT WAT WAT SO WAT IM SHORT WAT” LOL XD made my damn day “WAT??!”
[YT] @Bggromance ya… the girl who danced kara is 16 yrs old.
im taiwanese:). & most women on the streets aren’t this short… =___=
[YT] @kenjiingap ofc ofc, noone beats original =D
[YT] @VessaKamio92 She keeps it up 24/7 for several years so lets just congratulate her for having so much resilience to fake her voice… i knew someone who sounded like that before so I dont bother commenting on it XD
[YT] YA TOU!! Still with her squeeky voice lol… i miss Gui Gui.. did she really not renew her contract? =[
[YT] awww he even sang whilst dancing! so adorable
[YT] ahaha this reminds me to finish watching 18 jin bu jin!! I love Blackie he’s so funny <3
[YT] i think all the dancers went too extreme with the moves…ezpecially w/abracadabra….
idk, kinda like jokwon?
but it wasnt too bad.
[YT] the one who did the lupin dance overdone the “emergency exit” dance of kara… or does it just look really awkward with her…
[YT] wen zhi and ya tow awesome ^O^
[YT] wen zhi dancing is awesome (much better than that guy that danced to OH)
but she srsly looks like a little boy~
[YT] If the Oh! dance was meant to be a parody, then it definitely failed. I didn’t think it was entertaining / funny. But props for the effort.
[YT] omgsh! the lil kid was the best! every1 else sucked in this part!! no offense if u like them of course, they just need A LOT of practice! 🙂 hehehe
[YT] I LOVE Ya Tou’s shoes!
[YT] Nu ABO’s dancer has an annoying voice..trying to be cutesy..her back-up dancers were more impressive..and the choreography looked more simple and easier than the original.
[YT] @Bggromance there just really young
[YT] The guy who covered Tae Yang’s Wedding Dress did okay, but his dancers outshined him, haha. 😛
[YT] The “CL” girl chose an easy dance routine so it wasn’t impressive. The “TaeYang” guy was too stiff; his back-up dancers danced better.c”,)
[YT] Ya Tou has the most annoying fake voice I’ve ever heard in my life..but she really got some dancing talent here! She was the best out of all of them :]
[YT] im sorry but no one can do it like taeyang. haha
[YT] wenzi’s glasses makes her look like a … old scary weird man…
[YT] She looks like Hyuna… she even has an ink-star down her eye xDD She had the energy, but she was overdoing it too much i think. And LOTS of the steps were totally wrong, BUT maybe she didn’t want to do the exact original dance of NU ABO so whatever 🙂 but yeah, she was trying too hard XDD And I find her voice a bit annoying but it’s okay 🙂
[YT] hunyy, i know this is a contest, but u dont need to try that hard in the beginning, notherwise, its good.. 🙂
[YT] Wen Zi is good~ =) She totally rocked the performance~ <3
[YT] the guy leading Oh! was okay… but OMG! the blond dude is… OH! My God!….
The ending was funny… haha
[YT] woah…Ya Tou looks a little bit like HyunA O.o”
don’t u guys think so? =D or m eyes are bad…~ xD
[YT] No Gui Gui? Tsk. No Fun~ Is Wang Zi is still here? No right? T_T
I remember watching this show~ But stopped when Gui Gui and Wang Zi isnt there anymore~ …
LOL The girl that danced 2NE1 .. Her top is too bright~ xP it doesn’t really remind me of 2NE1~
The guy who danced Tae Yang~— Hm… Yeah~ kinda stiff…
I miss GuiWang!
[YT] that dude is good, but he doesn’t have Taeyang’s … smoothness…
Taeyang’s moves are just… so WOW… and so hard to imitate….
[YT] nu abo dancer danced so powerful, not bad ^_^
[YT] the dance to hip song was good but the grl dancing to lupin sucked she couldnt pop her chest that well like kara did
[YT] ya tou so cute even though the dance was kind of off and too fast
[YT] NO SHINEEE !? im so disappointed 🙁
but anyway i stopped watching this show long time ago
and changed to watching korean variety shows ironically LOL
wenzi is still as awesome as ever, shes the onlyyyyyyyy one that
actually danced like the actual k-artists
sry but the others just suckedddd, and im not saying this from being
kpop biased, cause i love this show
hope they do more of these kpop competition dances
only because i want to see the influence of KPOP WOOO ! LOL
[YT] lol for the snsd oh performance, the blond backup dancer was quite funny.
[YT] what’s the average height for Taiwanese women? because all these girls look reeeeaaally short!! are they so young or why are they so tiny?!
loving the hip song- dance! but all the dances are kinda “over done”..
[YT] the 2ne1 dance was ok and so was the wedding dress dance the guy was just too stiff
[YT] @youcuckoo I slightly disagree wiv the Taeyang bit…because there were lots of cover of GD when Heartbreaker was out. This program did have GD as well but considering giving the viewers their approch to other K-pop artist as well they decided to do cover of sumone else. This also a reason why SJ wasn’t here cos they were shown too often in Taiwan.
[YT] hara’s part of the lupin dance looked more like 2pm’s heartbeat… ><
[YT] 爆Q….吐… =oo=
[YT] the girl who did the lupin dance put her own moves in it just it wasnt as good as the original
[YT] Omg all the dancers are so fail xD!!
they are al overdoing it.. they should pay attention to the details from the
[YT] wow the girl who did the abracadabra song… oy her hip movements are to large. it should be centered otherwise it just looks as its sloppy.
[YT] damn that dude should learn the Oh! dancesteps!
it’s like he is making fun of them (snsd) >__
[YT] lol lupin was an epic fail but wenzi did great. only problem is that she’s kinda tiny so watching her dance to mighty tall rain’s hip song is kinda weird.
[YT] the one dancing to rain? from comments looks like her name is wenzi was really really awesome ^^
[YT] yongtu had the right attitude, together with her bunch of dancers but the main focus of abracadabra is the elegant swaying of hips. yongtu overdid it a little. as for oh! , im not sure if it’s meant to be a kuso performance or anything.
[YT] beg was pretty decent except for the couple of spots where they weren’t in sync and ohmigawd the guy doing oh! cracked me up XD
[YT] hmm quite surprise no one did a cover of hyori chitty chitty bang bang or super junior bonama or 2pm? hope they do it next time~
[YT] well, it’s pretty hard to replicate 2ne1’s fierceness which comes from both singing AND dancing. as for the taeyang’s performance, sorry to say i had my eyes on the back up dancers the whole time.
[YT] aww i wish they had lollipop doing abracadabra, hahah
[YT] lol the lupin dance was fail.. the girl should have at least made an effort to dress up more appropriately. The taiwanese MCs are so encouraging to her. I think the girl did well for hip song though.
[YT] da guy who dance 2 wedding dress was a little stiff~even his backup dancer was better than him~ props 4 trying~
[YT] 她算是跳的最有味道
[YT] omg the guy failed at the SNSD dance. The dance steps were wrong!
[YT] 蚊子 never fails to impress, she’s amazing!!!!
[YT] i tink ya tou did a pretty good job considering that she’s not good in dancing however she looks like she’s bouncing throughout tts why..
[YT] Wenzi, as i expect , she ttly rocksssssssss
[YT] that girl did a good job at Abracadabra dance
powerful !!!
dang, that pink dude is ruining SNSD’s song
at least he has to dance precisely , he got wrong all the moves
[YT] I think the Xiao Han dancing to Lupin like a bit screwed.. The dance a bit in a mess.. And JiYoung is 16 too.. But does way better than her..
I think BaoQ quite pretty~ LOLx.
I think the WenZi still not bad..(:
[YT] @MFLOVEify true x)
[YT] Ya Tou tried so hard, like over doing it which make the moves look messed up
i dont like her expression
[YT] 呀本好棒
[YT] @courageousdreamer lol the “kid” is actually a girl xD she’s wearing a wig. I think she is one of the best dancers from taiwan. Her name is WenZi ;D
[YT] gosh . some of the moves from nuabo is TOTALLY WRONG . the girl is overdoing it . -_-‘
[YT] @intela45503 对,这种节目只会无谓的埋伏她的talent.
[YT] You can tell from the dance covers which Kpop artists are popular/hot in Taiwan, which is interesting~~~ It’s great that Asians recognize other Asian countries’ pop culture. There’s so many great things that all countries have to offer. Taeyang seems to be the most popular member in Big Bang in Japan and Taiwan/China. This isn’t the first Taiwanese/Chinese cover of Taeyang I’ve seen~~
[YT] the girl who danced to lupin is like a high school girl who tried to act sexy
kara is so much better
[YT] OMG it’s Ya Tou <33 ^ ^
[YT] Actually, I think Ya Tou didn’t dance that well. As in as compared, I think Xiao Lu did better..
I think Ya Tou use too much strength without control. And the toe is not supposed to hurt..
But she has her own style though.. I guess.. Cute?
[YT] oh! funny x3
[YT] She should wear Leather.. LEATHER!! And more makeup!!!!
[YT] @l05113 AGREE!SJ!
[YT] shes trying too hard o-o
[YT] actually i think the guy who danced to taeyang’s wedding dress is abit stiff? idk … just not as smooth as taeyang’s dance 😀
[YT] Kpop ! but i dont really enjoy taiwanese doing it , somehow the feeling is different
[YT] they should have mentioned that the leader victoria is chinese, and amber, is taiwanese XD just saying……..
[YT] @kimura0714 agree!LOL i love adam cp!
[YT] lol the girl who danced Lupin moved all wrong lol it was a good laugh
the kid who danced rain was the best! at least he didn’t try to make it too cute
[YT] 9:35 the back-up dancers are so much better
[YT] the rain dance was the best!!!!!!
[YT] NU ABO face expression is too cute.. f(x) is more mature expression, especially Amber, who is quite ‘man’
[YT] @l05113 Bonamana不是跟Nu ABO差不多嗎? 可能Super Junior他們不太好跳啦…
[YT] nooo, their hip swings are too big, so instead of BEG’s sexy feeling, it kinda feels like they’re trying too hard to be a slut O_o
[YT] Kara一d都唔似- –
呢個係模仿比賽, 唔係自創囉好冇.
睇清楚主題先黎比賽啦- -凸
[YT] don’t want say more。。。but 。。that’s why K-pop always famous over asia。。。
[YT] omg! little rain owned everyone! 🙂 but ya tou wasn’t bad either! 🙂
[YT] not gonna lie..the kara one was pretty bad =_=
[YT] every single song was butchered like crazy! 一个字,瞎!!!!!!!
[YT] 丫頭說那麼大姆指那邊根本就跳錯啦. 正常的怎麼會弄傷了- –
如果真的弄傷的話,f(x)就左不過跳啦- –
[YT] eew…. cute cute type is so.. not KOREAN
[YT] HAHA~ the guys have nice legsss hahahaha
[YT] @xSNxTwiLightxCr4zi3x its called 我愛黑澀棒棒堂 … its a combination of blackie and lollipop
its pretty funny tbh.. but some episoides are quite boring..
[YT] @Swarms89 LOL me too
[YT] does she not understand that Lupin’s concept is DARK? -____- her concept is so bright and cheery it blinds me. and the body wave isnt done properly…….
[YT] wow they do it so well 😮 but beg’s better of course.
they like the abracadabra dance yay
[YT] gosh. this program’s backdancers are terrible! stars are better than them, and best example is hip song. wtf?
[YT] fire音樂也剪的太奇怪了吧
[YT] 為甚麼有些人在說他們 “抄” 韓國的舞蹈…
他們當然不是抄的啦, 台灣人是 “模仿”
“抄” 的意思是, 如果他們弄一首跟韓國的一模一樣, 又弄一支舞跟韓國的一模一樣 而又說是台灣的歌..那才是抄呀 -.-”
anyways, 小祿太瘦了吧..但是他比我想象中跳得好哦!
[YT] the first one and the Shao nu shi dai i don’t count as tat is a dance battle…. but for the last one i like it! it really nice!
[YT] 女的好差,男的不错,只是廋了点。 呵呵
[YT] O-M-GGGG her shorts got ruffles DDD; what is that?! 9?! GaIn FTW.
[YT] 以下純屬個人意見。。。如有不爽。。請滾開。。不要看。。 [ :
[YT] @Sw33tButComPliCat3d Lol i would love to see jaejoong interact with sica more often..Jealous little girl..sad life..
[YT] @xSNxTwiLightxCr4zi3x it’s call 我愛黑澀棒棒堂
[YT] @lagameuze Yeah, look at her chest while shes dancing… Shes Awesome!!!
[YT] ya tou was really amazing, NU ABO! 🙂
[YT] 那個跳kara的是來亂的嗎….
[YT] 學在久也不會比原創的利害
很不高傲阿= =
[YT] @samiao90 LOL I sooooooo back you up on this one hehe, I prefer the BEG, much more elegant. On this show it’s like they’re doing a parody of the dance lol. Kudos for trying though
[YT] th little rain is a girl ? ^^
[YT] what i like abt this? no need sub xD coz i know chinese xD haha
[YT] noooooooooooooo why did abracadabra dance bcome so…. rough….. i prefer Brown eyed girl’s elegant “swing”. XD Go BEG!
Oh! as well!! So.. rough…
[YT] the guy who danced wedding dress is great, including his vocal. But i still love Taeyang BEST
[YT] 我覺得勇兔跳的最好看
[YT] 丫頭很努力呢~
不過喔,她跳得好用力喔… 看上去就有點可怕 (?)
總之是怪怪的 可是丫頭,做得好 🙂
我是f(x)的歌迷 可是覺得丫頭還不錯~
[YT] 跳的挺努力的…雖然還是喜歡Brown eyed girls的^^
[YT] the wedding dress dance was good though!!!
[YT] @chloegogogo 哈~我也想看野獸跳OH!
[YT] 雖然跳得沒有BEG好, 但係已經好過美少女 – –
[YT] 還是看佳人跳比較舒服一點….
[YT] 雖然丫頭有進步, 但是她跳起NU ABO來沒有FX跳起來的感覺~~不是太好看
[YT] 我的4小妞也有一半去了傳奇星, 一半在v台~
[YT] 李銓??
[YT] 爆q很可愛, 現在很喜歡他的表演呢!
不過說到反串, 還想看阿本跟野獸.. 他們也很會送電的
[YT] 蚊子…黑澀會的驕傲 超COOL!!
[YT] @suet0525 我也覺得,他的背不夠挺,跳起來不好看,但我其實滿喜歡看他跳舞的,如果改一下會更好
[YT] 小涵那雙鞋子的答佩很爛
[YT] 蚊子跳得還不錯噢
至少會比跳Fire的那個女生好吧 好像叫UNA吧 ??
真是有眼光欸 ^^
很沒Feel的說 ~~~
[YT] OMONA. NU ABO. F(X) WAHHHHHHH. hwaiting 丫頭 ^_^
[YT] 爆Q好正
這幾次的表演越來越喜歡他了說 哈哈哈
[YT] 丫頭真的進步很多耶
[YT] 黑人超愛玩…哈哈笑死我
[YT] 轉圈時超奇怪的 -\-
[YT] 感覺跳得太用力了
[YT] 美少女時代。。。哪能比=_=
看完那個再看這個 簡直是從地獄爬回天堂
[YT] 很久沒關注此節目了,黑人整集都很尷尬吧,看得出來沒接觸韓流音樂!
還有那個ILoveG7 。。。這公用帳號不是讓你拿來到處亂留言的 \(╯-╰)/
[YT] Tae Yang 還是最棒啦 > 3 <
我最愛BIG BANG了 !!
前面的那女的跳FIRE有點奇怪 -\-
好像哪裡怪怪的欸 ~~~
[YT] 哈哈….丫頭被A-may老師嚇到
[YT] 唔好影衰!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plz
[YT] 她跳起來有一種幼稚的感覺 , bad ….
[YT] 收啦!
[YT] @myfahebe sm@@
[YT] 佳人solo 那邊都不take去勇兔–是因為太狂野 電視不能播出吧?
[YT] 也沒有東方神起紙哦……失望
[YT] 每一次都沒有人表演2PM的…so sad
[YT] 丫頭跳的不是不好..
[YT] SUCKS99 thats really 99times
[YT] 蚊子好棒!!
[YT] 換個播報員吧 垃圾
[YT] Taeyang 講成Taeyeon 有沒有救阿 一點前途都沒有 真是垃圾
[YT] 台灣人會不會講英文阿 爛透了 耖
[YT] why nobody tries 2PM’s dance steps? arent they the hottest time of the day? duh~~~
[YT] 好屌喔蚊子!XDD
[YT] 韓國團體真的很強!尤其是bigbang!太愛bigbang了。。。。。。。。。。
[YT] @cat6218ine +1.
[YT] @cat6218ine +1…..
[YT] choc7散了?
[YT] 每次看這節目
我相信都會很到位 =D
加油 !!!
[YT] 洪詩又和爆q合作了@@
[YT] 之前看預告 看到她在做雪梨的動作時 都猜到她是跳NUABO
只不過是太用力 把整支舞的感覺不同了- –
[YT] Lol for the Wedding Dress cover my eyes are on the back dancers. They’re really good.
[YT] 不是很喜歡勇兔的個性.旦無可否認她跳舞真的很棒;)
[YT] 佢地係蚊子後面做效果好好笑呀^^哈哈~
[YT] a may說得好好笑喔
[YT] 太用力了吧=’= 而且差很多
[YT] 哦哦;;
真的真的支持黑棒喇.. 好愛你們唷
[YT] 丫頭跳得不錯,只是有點過分用力。、
[YT] lupin的精髓都沒了
[YT] fx是這樣的嗎-.-…..
[YT] 勇兔不夠高啦 =_= 加上腳粗..abracadabra不太適合她
[YT] 為什麼底迪不多一點人表演
[YT] abracadabra被$%^&了 =_=
[YT] 大目老师的衣服好变态…
[YT] 想看SJ的:)他們除了sorrysorry其他歌好像都不怎麼有人模仿= =
[YT] 超克7 這樣就沒了:(
[YT] 又韓風喔
[YT] 爆Q 跳得不够放啦~野兽跳的话就一定赞~
[YT] 我比較想看蚊子跳2ne1
[YT] 佳人solo 那邊都不take去勇兔- -很想看啊~
[YT] 鮪魚害死人那裏好好笑 志龍的舞果然不是蓋的
fire 也跳得很好阿~
[YT] 爆Q正:-)
[YT] 最近的韓流潮讓節目也吹起韓風啦
[YT] 我覺得una不錯耶!!
[YT] 我也想好好看勇兔跳佳仁solo那一段~結果只看到評審= =+ 整體來說還不錯, 但高傲舞部分跳得太用力了 有點失去了那種酷酷的,游刃有餘的感覺~
[YT] 爆Q笑死我
[YT] apple的鞋子次次都一樣的…
[YT] 蚊子跳2NE1應該更好..
[YT] 老大跟阿本扭得很好笑.
[YT] @cat6218ine 我也這麼覺得- -‘
[YT] this is sooo much different from shao nu shi dai! This is what i call pleasing to my eyes =] Shao nu shi dai ahem PLEASE man!
[YT] 鮪魚害死A MAY老師 哈哈^^
[YT] 又沒糖果了;!
[YT] abracadabra根本沒學到精隨!!完全沒高傲的感覺= =
[YT] 丫頭真的超棒!!!!比之前進步了:)
[YT] 小祿超超超級帥的!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 總覺得勇兔有點台味 ….. 個人意見啦 ….
[YT] 好酷喔丫頭 !!! 棒 !
[YT] 我不喜歡勇兔的abracadabra,好奇怪啊!
[YT] y there isn’t anyone dancing 2pm dance ..
haiz .. sad ..
[YT] 小祿也太帥了吧… !!! <3<3
[YT] 學SJ的Boom Boom也不錯 比Bonamana簡單一點~
[YT] 我覺得勇兔扭那個有點大動作0.0
[YT] 勇兔至少跳得不会让人看了觉得恶心~
[YT] @draco5473 哈~不過我覺得野獸跳得比較到位XD
[YT] @pp421 真的耶~你沒說我還沒發現XDD
[YT] candy today.imagine candy dancing to lupin.i think it will be good.ha.
[YT] 丫頭好棒喔!進步超多的!和以前刺槍術的丫頭很不一樣
[YT] 鮪魚害死人^^!!!
[YT] xiao han did ok.but some of her moves need to be the emergency exit dance part.she is a bit stiff.maybe shes nervous.
[YT] @horhoryeah會不會去了考大學??
[YT] yong tu dance got feel.just like during the sexy gain part the camara man focus on ah may.rofl
[YT] @phoebe2j 對呀
[YT] wen zi dances really awesome but she is so small so it look a bit strange
[YT] Ya tou performance is awesome!! Nu ABO
[YT] 小涵完全跳不出kara的感覺……
[YT] 覺得apple扭得比勇兔好…..
[YT] @starxyoyo 我也很想知道李銓現在在幹什麼/__\
[YT] 很想看蚊子跳2NE1…><
[YT] 丫頭進步好多喔!!表情超贊的……
[YT] 勇兔是不是應該先把他自己的大腿給弄細阿
[YT] 小禄好强啊!太厉害了,支持他出专辑!
[YT] 小祿跳得很不錯了, 畢竟太陽的舞很難模仿
A MAY老師那句”鮪魚害死我”好好笑
Big Bang is VIP=]
[YT] 对啊 sj的bonamana,希望看得到
[YT] wdf is Una dancein sia??? OMG i tot tis will be a good ep… omg i don wan to watch again zzz
[YT] 很期待lupin,但是被改的很无语 要学也学原版啊 特别是那几个重点动作 还有服装 。
[YT] 蚊子跳起來氣勢十足,好想看蚊子跳2NE1
[YT] 丫頭這幾年真的進步好多啊…
[YT] 爆Q改編Lady Gaga的Bad Romance吧?
[YT] ya tou dance f(x) song is awesome
[YT] @starxyoyo 听说退出了~最近也没有看到他在节目里面阿。。所以我想可能节约了吧
[YT] @phoebe2j 希望他加油啦!
[YT] 小祿超強的 誰像他一樣邊唱現場邊跳XD 不過太陽的境界真的有點難模仿XD
[YT] 看完美少女時代再來看這個
[YT] I think xiao lu is too skinny. LOL! -.-
[YT] una還不賴喔….力度再強會好多了
[YT] 恩 我也想kara 的舞,还有sj的 不过预告里好像没有
[YT] 我覺得6:20 左邊那位Dancer老師出場更帥.. 哈
[YT] yongtu coolll!!!
[YT] Always Rain….SIEN !!!!
[YT] @samuelandkelvin 那李全去哪裡了
[YT] UNA跟2NE1感覺差太多了…其實也不能怪她,2NE1我看過很少人可以模仿的很像的
[YT] 蚊子為什麼不模仿2NE1!!!孔敏智根本就是蚊子的加強版阿~可惜
[YT] una不好嗎?
[YT] 我覺得蚊子拉上拉鍊比較好-v-~
[YT] GD太棒了沒辦法XD
不但跳的很有FU 也有唱出來
[YT] 鮪魚害死人xddddd
[YT] Yako is so cute !! She improved her dance =)
[YT] 台灣有個JYP那麼多好!!
[YT] 小祿不錯!! una就…………-_-
[YT] 爆Q的腿滿白的><"
[YT] 蚊子很可愛~~
[YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0 台灣沒有幾個偶像團體吧~~大部分都是樂團、重唱團比較多。
[YT] 丫頭好棒,加油
[YT] 可惜最精采的點竟然take阿may老師==
[YT] 丫頭跳舞有進步
[YT] @sleepycat13 @sleepycat13 是真的啊。。
[YT] 小祿最近壓力應該很大
[YT] 小祿不要妄自菲簿~
你有自己的特色 ^ ^
[YT] 蚊子!那是不同等级的啊~~~
[YT] 爆Q可爱~~继野兽之后女团模仿者
[YT] xiao han has improved!
[YT] 这个韩流模仿赛水准就是不一样~好看多了
[YT] 美少女韓國偶像模仿賽才播完,馬上黑棒也來一個表演賽
[YT] xiao lu need to build more muscle, it will help him with his dancing moves….
[YT] xiao lu ur so hot
[YT] 虽然丫头可能跳太用力,她跳的还棒哦!有进步!~~
[YT] 明天有circus喔
期待期待 🙂
[YT] @iilovecandy yea im sure people can learn this dance in few weeks but not many can dance as good as Taeyang tho.
[YT] @kenjiingap its actually not a really hard dance as with any dance, anyone can get it with practise. props to xiao lu but nothing exceptionally amazing…ive guys with no dance lessons/experience learn it within a couple weeks =P
[YT] Oh! my god
[YT] Ya Tou did an amazing job!!!!
Loved her performance=D
[YT] yay my 2 fav. girls 😀 !
[YT] 我也超愛2ne1~但是una卻呈現的很爛….
[YT] 台灣最近很多人都哈韓國團體 很喜歡學…可是為什麼韓國團體最注重的整齊度他們都沒有哈到? 現在韓國團體當道 就是因為他們的整齊感會讓你傻眼. 我說的可不是普通的整齊, 而是連小動作, 呼吸, 力道全部都一樣. 整齊到連跳LIVE都會跟MV一模一樣. 這種就是所謂的敬業. 希望台灣以後也會有這樣的團體, 現在唯一有看頭的只有dance flow
[YT] @xdinorawrx3 I totally agree with you…It’s actually a disappointment. KARA does a hell of a good job dancing Lupin live…so watching Xiaohan dance to it ruins it. Her waist is so stiff and awkward…and you’re right, I don’t like this choreography at all. The original one has a hypnotizing effect because they’re so in sync. But Xiaohan’s off beat..honestly, even the dancers aren’t that great…
xiao lu was awesome :]
[YT] 希望有人會跳KARA的舞! 美少女時代的美眉把MISTER整個跳壞了…希望黑澀會有機會的話可以眺KARA的LUPIN ^^
[YT] weird, they didn’t choose After School, they are pretty famous too. B.E.G. is not as famous and f(x) is no where close. They should do “heartbeat” by 2pm as a group, they can make it funny too like family outing.
[YT] 蚊子太帥
[YT] i don’t know about her kara dance, seems strange. I watched a lots of kara’s lupin dance, no where close =(
[YT] BONAMANA 可能太新了~
[YT] 丫頭可愛
[YT] 小禄 did alrite, even though you can’t really be like Taeyang but you try a really hard dance. I give you prop
[YT] 好棒小綠
[YT] 哈哈, 四個人集體扭屁股,太好笑了吧. LOLZ…
[YT] 蚊子真的超贊的.. 真的帥爆了.. 好喜歡看她跳舞哦.. 每天都很期待她的表演.. 真希望有個很厲害的人找她出道…
@Smile2Katcha 我也希望rain能挖掘她阿.. 呵呵呵..
[YT] 「數大便是美」的感覺。
[YT] i agree witth big eye.
[YT] next time i hope they cann dacne Super Junior – BONAMANA or to 2pm;D<3<3<3
[YT] wen zi dancing queen omg u are the best
[YT] I loved ya tou’s performance!!
[YT] evetyime i see someone dance abracdabra i think of jokwon is make me laugh haha
young tu bang:D
[YT] waaa ya tou dance nuabo i like<3<3<3
[YT] wenzi is awesome!!! xDDDD
[YT] 剛剛阿本說超克7解散了嗎?! 不會吧 T_________T
[YT] i know this is totally weird but during 蚊子’s performance, i realized that if she was actually a guy, i would totally fall for her/him xDD lol
[YT] @carriennlamlam 對對對!!!我超同意你的說法!!!
[YT] 蚊子太棒了 Hip Song 很难呢~~ 其实呀 Rain看见可以把
蚊子加进MBLAQ ~~~ XD thats just my oppinion XD
[YT] 蚊子哪裡有劈腿呀?
[YT] 勇兔 真的所有舞蹈的味道很到位。。。 真的很赞! 黑人 kekekeke ~~~ 啊本也很好笑
爆Q 我的妈呀 太可爱了
[YT] Ya tou did improve but its really her style and did not give out fx’s style at all~ 就他们不是可爱Sweet的, 其实有点帅气点的
[YT] 小蚊子 <3 酷喔!
[YT] 新的這兩個新生我都不太喜歡~
好想她們回來 -3-
[YT] @bibleball 就是啊 F(x)都不是這樣的
[YT] hope they can dance 2pm next time…
[YT] @s2021319
還有nu abo這首歌的舞步動作應該不用太過可愛`
[YT] so strange…
is she really dancing lupin??
so different from the teachers beside her…
[YT] Wen Zi ROCKSSS!!!!
[YT] 她的動作好用力- –
而且她那顒星 不是f(x)的妝吧
[YT] 真的比那些什麽美少女跳的好太多了❤
[YT] finally an episode with a good topic!!!
[YT] xiaohan’s version of lupin doesn’t even look like it’s the same choreography from kara and at least try to wear clothes which resemble kara’s lupin -.-
[YT] 3:30好好笑 還從低到高咧XDD
[YT] It took me forever to learn Tae Yang’s wedding dress.
Xiao lu did an amazingg job 🙂
[YT] @ChuppahCrunch she’s from the other show
[YT] 小禄!~~
[YT] how come when xiaohan was dancing lupin it looked so different from the original ><''
[YT] @carriennlamlam 我都覺得黑棒的導播怪怪的 每次跳舞都拍特寫或是其他人..
跳舞就是要看整體 拍long的才好吧 …. =.=
[YT] 勇兔找得班底都很棒….排舞每次都精彩
當時重點是勇兔本身跳舞就跟平常不一樣 很有魅力
[YT] Wow. Yatou’s perfomance was pretty awesome.
[YT] 本人覺得…`
如果要跳Tae Yang的舞…`最好要壯一點`不然很難跳出Tae Yang的感覺`
[YT] 第一個是誰 ????
[YT] i think yongtu danced the closest to the original
[YT] who is UNA??
[YT] the judge with the glasses looks like eun ji won
[YT] @xnicoleexx520
f(x) – NU ABO
[YT] 真的是跳NU ABO呢`xd
f(x) 我最喜歡的是amber` 很帥`
[YT] @xnicoleexx520
f(x)的NU ABO
[YT] kpopkpopkpop :)) love it that 黑澀棒棒堂 is doing this…they’re so much more better than the other show…
[YT] 導播是怎樣啊.最精髓的部分去拍評審…還要定格那麼久…
[YT] what is the song that 丫頭 use/?
[YT] 蚊子帥喔!!!!期待蚊子的表演!!!
[YT] 沙發!!! 這集好看^^ , 勇兔跳的最好看^^