我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-07-05 雙人韓流創意舞蹈大賽

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202 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-07-05 雙人韓流創意舞蹈大賽

  1. [YT] 阿就[ V ]已經做到沒什麼好做的了啊
    說真的 台灣的電視台越來越low了

  2. [YT] @urasiansourceCpop2 Personal opinion aside, there are talents in idols. Maybe if you abandon the stereotype that idols cannot sing or shit like that… I mean, what are they picked for? TBH, most debut idols are chosen as the winner of the competition for their talents in order to be trained. I sort of understand why you would think that as individual they cannot sing or act b/c some are actually pick for the face. But usually when you’re debut, you have to have talents like acting, dancing,etc.

  3. [YT] taco那隊應該買帶好食物請職員幫影後生時候相&打出螢幕上&較好燈光&地面鋪滿黃葉&在音樂前奏時叫風吹走。。。

  4. [YT] at first we don’t really like edd, now i think he is okay, and quite nice/cuteXD
    and yes, the topic is kinda repetitive, but better than nothing!

  5. [YT] 雖然有幫SuJu在打歌啦~可是說創意舞蹈又稱不上啦我覺得 大部份的舞都跟原唱一樣的啊@@不過我還是第一次聽到有人說聽這首歌的感覺是[印地安]啦!!好奇怪的感覺………

  6. [YT] 根本就不是創意….

  7. [YT] MeiMei is always improving every time I see her dance ;D MeiMei變的好瘦好美喔, 虎牙很會跳! Anyone know what is the brand of the jacket that MeiMei and 虎牙 wearing?

  8. [YT] 其實舞蹈大賽沒有問題啦~
    只是重點又是韓流而已 – –
    像上次跟dance flow也合作得蠻好的:)
    別來來去去都是那幾個單元 – –
    ddmm加油 ^0^

  9. [YT] 玉兔跟野獸再幹麻 自己去看一下人家跳啥舞 你們2各是腦殘 跳的比較學印弟安人巴……………….寒流………..隨便跳一跳難怪都沒人會給你們其他機會 想紅難喔

  10. [YT] @urasiansourceCpop2 Yes, i agree with you some individual in the group might not be as talented BUT they are good as a group. Any group have weak link but they contribute somehow. Most group i named are not only idol group, they got decent talent. If u look at After School, they got nice vocal and dancing.

  11. [YT] 黑棒 終於模仿 Super Junior 啦 ~~

    跳得不錯啦,, 不過有些動作都跟mv一樣的..


    Super Junior 4輯 美人啊 BONAMANA 發行囉!!!


  12. [YT] 好想哭….KARA的 “Lupin” 怎麼會變成這樣啊?! 不要阿~~ 完全變成健身操了…
    What happened to Kara’s original “emergency exit dance”…and the “hallo dance” in Lupin. Honestly, I think they should of played around with these two parts b/c they’re the most important/catchy part of Lupin. Like honestly, nothing is on beat. The choreography is so messed and all over the place. Damn it, makes me wanna rewatch the original Lupin for the 1000th time.

  13. [YT] meimei跟虎牙都很會跳~~希望可以再合作!!
    鮪魚 :”獎金變雞精啦” 笑死我了

  14. [YT] 超愛看阿杰小祿1組的!!

  15. [YT] @XdLoveHater yes, i agree that they used this topic WAY too many times and that they need to come up with somehitng new, but THEY WILL BE AS GOOD. just watch. its just NOW that the koreans are better, but soon, we’ll be the same too.

  16. [YT] 黑棒 終於模仿 Super Junior 啦 ~~

    跳得不錯啦,, 不過有些動作都跟mv一樣的..


    Super Junior 4輯 美人啊 BONAMANA 發行囉!!!


  17. [YT] omg… is this like the 5th or 6th time they r using ” korea/korean” as their topic already??? I wanna ask them do they ever have anything new? Don’t they know how to create their own stuff?? Why do they only know to use korean songs on their show. They r not korean and they will never be and they will never be as good as korean artists anyway. If they r that good then STOP USING KOREA AS THEIR DAMN TOPIC!

  18. [YT] @cherryqes i agree!!! WHy do they keep doing “korea” as their topic? This is like the 5th time. They r not korean!! R they doing it so their show can be more popular?? gezzz….. use some of their own ideas already!

  19. [YT] 鮪魚好愛BIGBANG喔XDDDD
    我想說啊 如果對男的也跟對女的一樣的話
    會被說噁心吧[攤手] 怎麼都會被人說haha魚太貼心了

  20. [YT] 鮪魚穿的那件褲子是金陽去參加跳舞比賽那一件嗎?

  21. [YT] @urasiansourceCpop2 bc Korean music is so hot atm, there are so many great groups. Snsd, Kara, After School, 2ne1, f(x), 4minutes, Big Bang, SJ, too much.

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