我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-07-13 墾丁突擊 誰是大間諜?!

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151 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-07-13 墾丁突擊 誰是大間諜?!

  1. [YT] they should have got hei ren to do the 突擊.. i’m not saying ah ben is doing a bad job but i think its quite awkward between him and some of the girls… if it was hei ren he would be more comfortable and playful since he knows them better etcetc. but still jia you ah ben.

  2. [YT] 这个旁白.. 呼! 捏了我一把冷汗
    在讲mei*2 丫头 和 小涵的那一段开始
    都要回复看了两三遍才听得明白 讲什么
    旁白舌头不打结 我的耳朵都打结了..

  3. [YT] @Tigerlui531 樂器佢地最後是可以的 但我認為問題是在於Andy哥另起爐灶..令Choc7好像lollipop一樣分散了TT
    不是說Andy哥不好, 只是認為很可惜 這樣的另起爐灶同時令lollipop跟choc7都解散了TT

  4. [YT] mei mei無故傻眼了
    丫頭跟mei mei互相爭吵時mei mei很可愛,特別在7:13-7:15mei mei踢被子可愛

  5. [YT] goto sugoi’s main site, you can see the link below the video. Or his/her recent YT account is taiwansugoi. There are too many shows now, and I believe a lot of those are waste of time. I only watch the episodes with special guests I want to see. I personally think the peak of 我愛黑澀會 was around 2007-2008.

  6. [YT] @anson2402 我覺得最重要的原因是他們一開始的唱片公司定位錯誤 年中組團 年底每個人要學會一種樂器 沒可能麻..然後轉公司的同時 ANDY哥自己另起爐灶 中心沒了 自然解體..

  7. [YT] @kazin29
    Channel V boy show, and this girl show (我愛黑澀會) combined to be one program. They have fixed members now, so the signed members now can got better pay and survive. they used to have more members (no contract, company has no control) but only a few can be on programs and thus got paid.

  8. [YT] 其實一聽到以前是同團呢那一刻蠻心痛的`
    他們只是1年前剛出道而已 為何弄成這樣?

  9. [YT] Can anyone fill me in on what this show’s about? I remember watching a show called 我愛黑澀會 a while back. I was in Taiwan recently and they had this show instead but the same guy’s in it.

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