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[YT] 說有比阿ben利害的是黃國倫說的嗎??頓時變有點尷尬耶…
[YT] 還好吧雖然也不是很喜歡阿Ben
可是花現金這件事為什麼是wrong info?
他也沒說他這輩子沒用過credit card
[YT] 1400美金还ok啊,至少是单间,不和别人share啊
[YT] 幹麻忌妒人家家裡有錢 金錢只是身外之物 又不能代表什麼
[YT] 為什麼要說了英文再說中文?
[YT] 笨
[YT] 被寵壞的小孩長大通常容易變垃圾,劈腿男就是一個最好例子
[YT] Ben是白痴 = =? 不用credit card 也有debit card! 誰會帶現金? 除了Chinatown, 哪都是刷卡的. 到底是他腦殘還是他只混Chinatown?
[YT] Maybe Ben just wants to show off how rich his family is
[YT] 阿ben的學費當時可以在美國夠買一閒房子
[YT] 不喜歡阿BEN
[YT] 這麼久以前背的台詞阿ken還記得喔?xd
[YT] 不喜歡楊千霈-,-好想知道那個女明星是誰xd
[YT] @musicalphantom 原来是马来西亚的同学,,,
[YT] @musicalphantom 橘子的故事出自 朱自清的”背影” 现在大陆的中学不学了? 洽洽 的梗是 台湾连续剧夜市人生的剧情,本站搜索 捏爆橘子
[YT] 我一定要找阿ben當合夥人!!!
[YT] 每天300..我讀高中時,我媽一年也就給我5000.果然是好野人
[YT] 怎么阿ken说的这么像"家好月圆"的情节啊?
[YT] @zxc112 they’re saying 10000taiwan dollars.. which is 300 us dollars
[YT] wtf. 不用credit card怎麼會有credit呢? 這裡很多人都是錢包很少錢, 都是用credit card的啊. gosh.. so much wrong information
[YT] 坦誠相見!! 哈哈哈!!
[YT] Ben跟向語潔真是爛人
[YT] @hehehe55 Ben lives in L.A., and probably around San Gabriel Valley where the number of Caucasians there is as little as the number of tourists. Also, 2/3 of the stores there use cash only and it is a pain in the ass because credit cards are useless.
[YT] @tschta 整個就超好笑的啊!
[YT] 三萬 有點多…
[YT] what the heck? you can withdraw $10,000 from the ATM everyday? are you serious? I am not sure that’s true or not. I only can withdraw $300 bucks everyday.
[YT] Tiffany so cute!!
[YT] ben所谓的美国不是我们这个地球的美国,大家谅解
[YT] 信用卡可能是二世祖觉得逊把。但是时空推到10多20年前。。。开帐户可能就给个提款卡而已,要用只能去atm机,也可能英语不好,不喜欢去柜台。。。
[YT] Its dangerous to bring so much cash.
I am not saying that Credit Card is really safe, but still better than bringing a thousand bucks in your pocket.
[YT] 是婊子无情,戏子无义。
[YT] BMW 320
[YT] Richard III?
[YT] Ben seems too spoiled…not really good…
[YT] 在外国谁会用现金啊.. 外国人很多打开钱包都是空空除了信用卡. ben是真的有在美国呆过吗
[YT] 這集有雞巴坑、夜店雜碎姘頭,直接跳過
[YT] I don’t agree Ben. Debit card is not equal to credit card.
[YT] is she the sister from hi my sweetheart?
[YT] 看到阿ben ..就有點看不下去
[YT] Ken is very funny, quick witted.
[YT] 阿ken好好笑歐 !
[YT] 不喜欢杨
[YT] they dun make sense
that ben….
americans LOVE credit cards
canadians do too…
LOVE credit cards
its stupid to carry a lot of cash…
[YT] 小梁哥講的哪個女星也太kuso了!!XD
[YT] 阿ben 瞎到不行…..