王牌大賤諜 2010-06-04 誰是演藝圈超級倒楣王?!

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Tipster Rednimer

34 thoughts on “王牌大賤諜 2010-06-04 誰是演藝圈超級倒楣王?!

  1. [YT] 那個NONO也滿扯的,前面出子爆胎應該怪司機事不是沒保持安全距離,還有前面爆胎的車沒在保養,輪胎磨平了沒換!

    怎麼反而怪助理? 那個助理也滿衰的,任事NONO這種人! 悲哀!

  2. [YT] omg girls MUSTTTT yell when that happens!! my mom always tell me that, even if you’re scared or doesn’t know what to do, if you yell at least it’ll scare the guy away and hopefully someone will hear

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