王牌大賤諜 2011-01-20 主播你何苦來當藝人?!

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Tipster Rednimer

68 thoughts on “王牌大賤諜 2011-01-20 主播你何苦來當藝人?!

  1. 還有,評分一定要從3分起跳嗎?那0分1分2分是設計好玩的嗎?而且也只有爛得很扯的才會3分,隨便表演不要爛得太誇張就是4分以上,那這樣就只有4分5分6分可以給,評審自己都不會覺得自己常常都一直給5分有點奇怪嗎?都不會嗎?還是是製作單位要求分數都要給4分以上?因為這樣的給分方式會造成還不錯的就給5分,有點看頭的也給5分,還好的也給5分,有點無聊又不會太無聊的也給5分,有點小弱的還是給5分,那幹嘛還評分呢?

  2. 張立東這麼好的表演,就算節奏上不是那麼好,依然是很棒的表演,居然會比那幾個很努力但是總是跳得沒感覺沒味道的小女生低分!有時候真的很想了解某些評審的腦中都裝些什麼?為什麼思考都這麼"特別"呢?

  3. 六月真的不適合在裡面, 我一直覺得不會給意見的根本就不算是朋友, 好像事不關己一樣

  4. Every woman would develop an eating disorder with a husband like hers =.=’ she hardly has any flesh on her bones left, yikes

  5. What a disgusting group!! think so highly of themselves…no wonder I can see both the presenters not enjoy interview them…especially xiao S..i think deep inside she gonna puke on whatever they said…i wanna puke too 

  6. these MILFs are not 甜心幫, they should call the “Cugar幫” if anyone out there knows what I meant…………

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