姊妹淘心話 2012-03-02 這些藥連醫生都不敢吃?!

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10 thoughts on “姊妹淘心話 2012-03-02 這些藥連醫生都不敢吃?!

  1. Hmmmm normally for flu, western doctors won’t really see you or prescribe any medicine… They normally tell you to go home and have good rest and drink plenty of water…. So typically people won’t go to see a GP for flu. Very different to what the doctors said on this show.

    •  Normally people aren’t able to tell the difference between a common cold and flu (caused by different viruses) because their symptoms are so similar, except for the aches and pains that come with the flu.  With a common cold, rest and plenty of water are often good enough, but if it’s the real flu, medical actions are often necessary if it’s in young children, the elderly or immnosuppressed people.

      • I’m a physician and I can tell you that it is sometimes difficult to say if a patient has the cold or the flu clinically.  And you can’t really know definitely unless you swab people for culture.   

        Again, because flu is caused by a virus, no antibiotics should be used.  Medications used are only for comfort and support and not cure (!), be it in healthy patients or the more vulnerable population you mentioned.  

        • My
          two kids just got sick recently. They both had similar symptoms.  Stuffy nose, coughing, mild sore throat.  The younger one got it first, and I took her
          to the Dr. after a few days even she was feeling better, just to be sure it is
          not bacterial infection since she was having the yellow mucus.  Dr. swabbed her throat and confirmed it was not bacterial.  So, we did nothing, just rest and
          plenty of fluid.  The older one got it
          from college, and she will not go to doctor until I urge her to since she said
          she was feeling very tired and not getting better after 5 days.  She has bronchitis and indeed needs
          antibiotic.  So, my rule of thumb is that
          if you are feeling better (not completely well) after three days, then you do
          not need to see the doctor, otherwise, especially if you have fever more than
          three days, you should go see the doctor ASAP. 
          My older one was diagnosed bone infection when she was 4 year-old due to
          the insistent fever.  Fever is a very
          important sign for the sickness.  Her
          doctor was so experienced to admit her to the hospital right away, so no harm done.  Other than that, the pediatrician never gave
          my kids medicine for virus infection, he will not even see them if the fever is
          not over 102 F and more than three days for fear of they might catch more
          serious bugs in the clinic.

        • Medications shouldn’t be used doesn’t mean medical intervention isn’t necessary.  Antibiotics should never be used in viral infections yes, but antivirals (such as tamiflu) can be used in the treatment of flu.

          • Actually there’s really no good evidence that Tamiflu works.  Now I can’t remember the name of the study but essentially if that you use the Tamiflu within the first 48 hrs and the benefit is possible reduction of symptoms by one day.  And this benefit hasn’t even been compared to say tylenol or advil.  
            Essentially it’s no harm to give it to a vulnerable patient but there is really no evidence.  

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