23 thoughts on “WTO姐妹會 2013-11-05 中日韓三國大亂鬥?! 究竟鹿死誰手?!

  1. I hate china people. CHINA chinese ONLY!!! Like taiwan chinese are okay, malaysia chinese are okay, singapore oso okay… But cannot take it with china. Worst people on earth. Worst than lazy malay people. Becos malay are still nice only lazy.

  2. 我觉得我们中国人自己还是诚恳点好,毕竟说我们不好的不止只有一个国家,好像现在都变全世界公认的了,所以还是改改比较好,好吗北方的同胞?

    • It’s like the “A” student in class. The nation with the advantage will always be hated, unless you purposely decide to fail.

      • “unless you purposely decide to fail.”so u got advantage u fail on purpose so ppl will like u?


  3. 其实这期算是中肯的,对的话应该听听。大陆和台湾,特别是中国北方,很多人都不能容许外人说自己家乡不好,一听到就要立刻反驳随时准备吵架。忠言逆耳呀。

    • They’re all Asians, they’re of the same race. Plus general trends as statistics has been used as the most probable, so should you use the lease probable as the correct impression?

      • I would argue you shouldn’t form a general impression at all, especially when it comes to race. So what if I go and apply for a job, say, in a museum, and the owner is like “oh sorry Asians only do good at math (because statistically that is true). I would loose a job because of this. So Asians should just all do what majority of them are good at?

      • kanina then europeans u think they very cohesive?

        greece economy chui kick them out

        ww2 also they fk each other around

        not about asians or european is the cohesiveness of a collective grp of ppl in a particular region

        do not confuse with countries and borders

        more of the blood that runs in their vein


        • Fuck Asians. It’s so much fun looking at how different chinks laughing at each other when NONE of them is above human. Every different chink think they are superior while they’re all ugly as fuck. Every japs and koreans think they’re cooler than the other asians while only their pussies are wetter when they see us. You’re all destined to be cock suckers. Opps sorry, only your gals are welcome.

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