2 thoughts on “WTO姐妹會 2014-03-20 男主外女主內 大翻轉?! 各國觀念衝突大?!

  1. It’s a scientific fact that girls are smarter than boys is simply not true. There is no such a scientific study (if it is true then most of the scientific researchers would be girls, but they arn’t, there is a higher percentage of male researchers in the scientific community). Variety show 老师 are obviously poseurs, ones that use “scientific facts” as punch lines, the McDonalds of scientists if you will. Show me how she qualifies as a “老师”.

  2. 那个什么wendy老师,请你闭起你的臭嘴吧。主办单位也是的,偏要就找这种极端女权份子来当嘉宾。看到就不爽。

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