18 thoughts on “WTO姐妹會 2014-07-16 亞洲國家大崛起?! 各國爭相當老大?!

  1. Don’t take it too hard. This is the trick in order to gain TV appearance. Just ignore. No controversial comments then there won’t be any more demand for her to show up.

  2. 小惠有華人血統才這麼漂亮 尼坤這麼英俊是因為有四分三華人血統 純種泰國人真的不怎麼樣

  3. 韓國的東西頂多再流行三四年左右 很快會敗於中國的競爭

    所以真的不要學韓語 韓語是垃圾語言 即使加上北韓 總經濟量及人口都不算甚麼 韓流退流行後 必定有無數人後悔當初幹啥去學韓語

  4. am i the only one who thinks 020 was a bit too much with her comment against singapore? omg she is on tv! shouldn’t she be aware that her comments may be considered sensitive? i seriously think her thoughts didnt go through her brain before she spoke!

    • I’m a Malaysian and I agree with you. She makes me feel embarrassed. She can say what she wants about Singapore but she should learn from 小惠 and 小萍 on the way they criticise without coming across as offensive. Why can’t WTO find someone better instead of Christy and and this woman.

      • i think we all know there will always be tension between singapore and malaysia no matter how friendly we appear to be. i agree the way she came across was a bit too much thats why i left my comment. i wonder if she watches her episode on tv and reflect upon her words.

    • I don’t understand why Malaysia had high crime rates because singapore is their neighbour. Why don’t she comment their other neighbour Philippines kill and kidnap tourist so easily because some Malaysia police are lazy and corrupt.

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