182 thoughts on “全民最大黨 2009-12-31 Super Junior-M

  1. [YT] 我同學嫁到韓國後.整天叫我們空運台灣美食….

  2. [YT] 士林大香腸把他們都嚇傻了,每一個人都瞠目結舌的表情。這只有一根,如果他們真的到士林看到一整個攤位都是,不就腿軟了?

  3. [YT] 他们每个人都很累!最累得还是韩庚!他那个时候还感冒着,而且胃病又犯了。他还要不时地翻译一下(虽然有翻译小姐,但是成员们倾向于去问他),还要和节目组沟通,因为是队长,还要注意每一个出场成员的对话,随时帮他们接话或者解释。但是,他有担当,专业,所以一直保持着笑容!

  4. [YT] Hyunnie looks reallly tired 🙁
    It hurts to see him so less energized ….
    But I hope that they had a lot of fun and like Taiwan more

    SJ-M Hwaiting! Hangeng oppa HWAITING!

  5. [YT] oh so kyuhyun is tired… i was wondering why he just sat there and did nothing much… they filmed till 3am/4am?! i know they don’t have much sleep… they really should take a rest sometimes… sometimes i think their job is really tiring..as students we have holiday breaks of around a month but when can they ever get such chances?? even during nov & dec,they hv to work evryday,it’s so tiring… really no wonder some want to file lawsuits against their company…

  6. [YT] wah seh,i am not a big fan of henry myself,but his violin skills are superb man!!
    WHAT? 5 other membrs including donghae filed contract termination?! WHoa i really hope it’s not true,…. donghae CANNOT leave, no.
    nvm these are just rumours,i’m believing they won’t leave. besides,i dun want anyone to substitute them,no one can substitute sj/sjm!!

  7. [YT] I love how the cameraman always focuses on henry here and there~

    Yes, I never get sick of Henry’s violin preformances!! even though its prolly the kazillionth time he’s done it on shows 😛

  8. [YT] @WentznTeppei its actually said that the 5 other members are a lie but HanGeng’s case is true. Also, rest of SJM excluding HanGeng still attended the year end concert. Han Geng should be fully returning in March this year if everything becomes fully settle with SME

  9. [YT] @mlal1027 recently han geng and 5 other members including donghae of sj filed a contract termination. due to this, sm decided that currently sj-m will not do any activities in asia. but then again, u don;t have to worry. temporary, sm created a group consisting of henry and zhang yi lin to substitute sj-m.

  10. [YT] 韓國人不吃香菜的
    所以他們大概會覺得豬血糕不好吃吧 因為加了香菜了
    邰智源超好笑的 他只要一遇到吃的東西就會發飆!
    每次看康熙的便當單元 我就好想去最大黨吃便當

  11. [YT] Agree~
    雖然有人說是時間久了的關係 什麼現在化妝技術跟打扮
    我想他們以前的臉畫上現在的裝 也不會像現在一樣吧

  12. [YT] @soyandy123456789

    你這死神經病~BQird 罵韓庚~


    那 少林寺不敢跟泰拳打~那就是中共都是沒長小鳥的龜兒子~


  13. [YT] 算了我对飞轮海一点兴趣都没有。

  14. [YT] @wyt1994




  15. [YT] 其他一些少女的負面消息 我還覺得有真有假, 那些話 在很多情況下被 誇大也有可能

    但希測竟然敢說 那這件事 真實性比假的還高

  16. [YT] 這不是上節目的玩笑話
    這是希測有一次在節目上 很不爽的把這件事情公開

    他說:那時候太妍進去他們的化妝室 看到韓庚時說的

    所以泰研講這句話的時候 是在化妝間的時候 不是在節目上

    或許發生這件事情的時候她還沒出道 但她那時在training 她是有機會跟sj接觸的

  17. [YT] @getlowwxo
    FOR GOODNESS SAKE. That’s all made up by Antis of SNSD. They cleared this misunderstanding already.PLEASE. How can you actually misunderstand it? E.L.Fs didn’t even fell for that stupid rumour.

  18. [YT] 一名叫牵着萝卜去看花的网友举证,关于少女时代曾因韩庚染黄头发而羞辱对方,实际上韩庚黄头发的时候是06年,少时是07年8月2号出道的(那时韩庚是白发时期),所以这根本不成立,除非少时穿越过去侮辱韩庚。而对于,韩庚在节目中跳民族舞被嘲笑,粉丝表示,07年那一场在现场的是李秀英而非少时的崔秀英。关于允儿说韩庚的话粉丝觉得大家都做为练习生不太可能。

  19. [YT] it’s a rumour.
    粉丝网娱乐讯 由于韩庚解约事件越来越受人关注,昨日(23日),有网友爆料少时曾多次侮辱韩庚少时曾多次侮辱韩庚的新闻,受到了少女时代粉丝的强烈抗议。他们用激烈的方式要求还少时一个公道。并且还举出许多例子,力证韩庚、希澈、少女时代,他们好得像兄妹。

  20. [YT] it’s not a rumour
    they said ‘Oppa! Do you think dying your hair blonde will make you look Korean?’
    沒禮貌…..真麼可以這樣子對我們的寶貝韩庚…. 韩庚我愛你!

  21. [YT] 安心亞這樣裝扮還挺可愛的
    yeah~ i have to say i dun really like 少女時代
    最氣的就是那個泰研跟韓庚講說: “你不要以為你染頭髮 你就自以為是韓國人”


  22. [YT] HENRY!!!! From now on..i will appreciate all your performance..Actually this programme is really recorded at the midnight..you must be very tired..
    Don know whether in future still can see your performance or not…???
    Don know what is the fate of you and SJ-M?
    Keep fighting

  23. [YT] oh my…siwon isss soo gentle…!! he gave the food to kyuhyun first before he eat it himself in 6:15….kyuhyun is enjoying himself as a magnae..even though he is not the youngest anymore…hahah..cute kyuyhun!!

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