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Sorry everyone my grammar sucks im just a low-life trash who lives in
the past. My parents kicked me out of the home and i saw my gf sucking
my best frd’s penis. i treated them really well and they do this
to me. i can only convince myself is cuz my friend has better looking
than me. Hes name is FBI. He is really handsome IMO. i cannot let go of
my anger so thats why i come here to mess wit you guys. Just ignore me.
Serve you right!!!
Mess your freaking restarted head! Serve you right you piece of junk!
無聊人還真多, 尤其在康熙和娛百
My English is better than all of you. Don’t be jealous because I am the best. If you do not know how to put your tenses correctly and You better walk from here.
There’s grammar errors in the last sentence. You should add a comma and finish your sentence since you started with “If”. Don’t call yourself a grammar nazi when you make mistakes in your sentences too. Theres freedom of press so mind your own business.
“My English is better than all of yours.” Pay attention to your grammar, “grammar nazi”. LOL
You white trash nazi, dont fuck with the niggerz
很多人來這打筆仗, 看來和我一樣賦閒在家的還不少
Grammar Nazi, you are a law student, please behave yourself and come to see me tomorrow at my office!!!
I think he is a LOL student instead of a LAW student
It’s quite entertaining reading those comments.
What’s the point of arguing about what proper grammar is on here????
原來樓下的打的留言都是英文阿~~ 我還以為是我的母語葡萄牙文的說
每次楼下的留言都精彩过康熙的内容! 哈哈!
陳漢典幹麻打斷其他人的講話時間,很搶鋒頭很不喜歡= =
既然有些傢伙無聊到會在網路上不間斷的跟陌生人激烈爭論語言問題,那就送你們一個在英文論壇上流傳了很久的老笑話好了(用你們最愛的英文喔,不錯吧,我對你們真好):There are so many grammar Nazis on the Internet because English majors have no jobs! <3 對於文法納粹的鄙視,是無國界的:) 願世界和平,並祝你有愉快的一天。
Lol. Today’s episode is not even that bad. Do you all prefer lousy topics?!
那你也別太小看那些覺得英語至上的人,他們看到老外還是會飛撲過去的。 只是我覺得在紐約地鐵遊蕩的乞丐流浪者的也能說英文不禁覺得會英文有真的高人一等嗎?
呆在英語系國家久了 你就會知道 國外有一多英文不好的人 在美國英國也還是過得好好的 工作照作 生活照過 所以有很多講英文的台灣人 不見得英文好 但他們只要敢講 就可以工作交際過活 很少人會覺得認為懂英語就是高人一等 看完你打的這番話 我覺得真正自卑的是你 因為根深蒂固 在您的心理 您已經認為 懂英文就是高人一等 最讓我同情的事情是 您本身還不知道 也不清楚 來這裡的人根本不會特別在意有人用英文留言 然而 “你最在意” “你最把這件事放在心裡”
你眼晴有瞎了还是中,英文都不懂是吧,下面都是在吵什么grammar Nazi你都看不懂嗎? 這是你呆在別国當黑努太久的后遺証???
just to remind you 這邊也有挺多星馬或是北美的人使用這個網站 有可能英文才是他們的mother tongue. 不要一竹篙打一船人
Xiao S’s? Come on, Nazi (rollin’ my eyes)
FYI 說Xiao S’s的是一個叫jo的 Nazi本來是說Xiao ‘S
Xiao S’s 其實是對的 不過好像是因為大家都搞不太清楚 又覺得比較能接受Xiao S’這個form 所以這個也可以用
以前我也不知道是哪個才對 所以問過我大學教英文的老師(應該是信得過的吧)
我也覺得用英文沒問題啦 grammar好不好能明白就ok 是那個Nazi比較盧
Anyway, don’t let him discouraging you from using English here okay? 🙂
we, the “regular” English users, do appreciate your thoughtfulness.
今天留言爆多的 哈哈 好好笑
唉 每次看一群打英文的白7在下面亂吵 煩死了 這是台灣的節目 不會寫中文的可以滾啊
Omg….=.=lll The person who keeps correcting others try to convince others that her/his English and grammar is precise, but yet still misspells words and grammar is way off…stop complaining and just enjoy watching the show…Geez…英文文法都没特別好還在這裡批評別人的英文..拜托,留言的都是說感受而已, 而不是在這裡上英文課.
Did I get something wrong?
Not you. Pay attention to who everyone is talking about. Others are talking about the same grammar professor who has been correcting others’ grammar like no one is better than him/her.
Haha. Ironically, I’m in law school too….
哈哈哈哈~~ 今天的康熙跟今天的留言好好笑! XDDD
Everyone below’s English sucks. My English is the best! Right? Muder Fucker!
lol didn’t someone just say the f word made his eyes bleed?
we are not interested in your “English” debate anymore. We are here to watch tv shows!
Now get lost, attention freak.
*clap clap* yor are definiteld teh tseb~
That was not me.. It was typed by the “Monkey”
Your English can suck my black cock. Youre worse than preschool kid
今天只看評論會以為今天的主題是英語教學 = = 樓下的人看節目好不好 不要離題…
看評論感覺像進錯了地方,雖然好歡樂 😀
今天康熙真的蠻無聊的 這些評論比較搞笑 xD
樓下吵的可凶了, 但蠻歡樂的. 這代表這集康熙有人看 ^_^ 本是同根生, 相煎何太急?
Reading these comments below is actually quite entertaining… I would say it is about 10X better than Kang Xie.
che cose devo dire? se tutte le gente qua non hanno voglia di parlare cinese, mi piace parlare in italiano
in che senso? per chi? se due cinesi parlano inglese, almeno per me, loro sembrano pazzi.
Ok. I am sorry. i admit I was seeking attention but I want to clarify one thing that I never said mean things to anyone that would spoil their day. Now that I have a bad day being called a rtard.
U r an idiot .
somebody here might also have a bad day because of your obsession with “perfect” grammar.
and I mean, Grammar Nazi normally appears only when someone commented in REALLY terrible English like “you has, he have”
in Cantoese we have a saying:撩人者賤 打死無怨
so stop being like a baby, you started the fight. no one wants to ruin your day until you try to ruin theirs.
But some actually said reading these relevant comments is more entertaining than watching today’s show, and now you are saying that my ‘obssesion’ ruined others’ life? Seriously?
Some found your comments entertaining and some thought they are irritating. One thing that I am sure is, you did piss those real English users off.
You know what? You should just stop right there where you apologized.
my son (that is nine years old) laugh at your proper english.
人家想留啥言關你屁事? 還有
why do people cant write proper english?–>funny how you structure your sentence
All grammar rules are setted –>靠背喔 rules are set 你自己不遵從
how “are” everyone going to understand what you “were” saying? –> wtf, it’s “IS” and “ARE”
你的ENGLISH flawless? rofl.. nowhere near it 有自信是好 但太多你負荷不了 最好有真材實料去back it up 😡
人家看你的”PROPERENGRISH"才頭疼吧 :/
can’t agree with you more.
This place has become an “English language’ debate hall lmao
Why do people can’t write proper English when they are leaving comments in English online? The purpose of learning English is to communicate with others in English. All grammar rules are setted, if you don’t use proper and standard languange, how are everyone going to understand what you were saying? If you can’t speak proper English, why don’t you spend some money hire someone like me whose English is very close to flawless to teach you write something in proper English? I really can’t stand this kind of situation, it’s torturing my brain reading improper English
You have a lot of grammar problems too, and it’s torturing my brain reading your comment.
How could my grammar has problems? You used plural form in problem, it means that my problem has more than one? Please show me. You are copying my words, please do not plagarise others’. Plagarism is a serious issue. Please bear in mind.
Yes, of course you have more than one problem, hence the ‘s’ at the end of my ‘problems’. I corrected what you wrote in the other comment. Please read that one.
Although your English here has no grammar mistakes, but your sentences are nonconstructive. Please write English in a more constructing way. Your statement is like “This is a pen.” Although it is grammartically correct, but it is nonconstructive.
I only corrected what you said. Therefore, it does not truly reflect my writing skills as I would never write the way you construct sentences and ideas. Also, there is no such phrase as ‘although…, but…’. The ‘but’ is abundant.
I’m pretty sure you’ve learnt that from all kinds of books you can find on the shelves, English is a language that is much more flexible than what you actually think it is. Come to the states and you’ll understand it
GN is a student from Law school. I know who is this person but definitely not my friend.
Although …. but… <- LOL
Grammar Nazi, If you are a Law student but keep making these grammar mistakes, you shall see me in my office tomorrow.
Lmao nice irony.
I don’t understand your words. What is Lmao?
I can’t believe how people are actually taking you seriously. =)
FYI Lmao is “Laugh My Ass Off”. This is super common. You haven’t got to know this.
You know what? I will correct this for you too. “Why can’t people write proper English when they leave comments in English online?… All grammar rules are settled. If you do not use proper and standard language, how can anyone understand what you are saying? If you cannot speak proper English, why don’t you spend some money hiring someone like me, whose English is very close to flawless, to teach you how to write something in proper English? I really cannot understand this kind of situation. It is torturing my brain reading improper English.” It seems like you don’t understand that you need a period or a comma after a full sentence. You have a lot of run-on sentences here. Your English is far from flawless.
Your third sentence, “how are” should be “how is” and “hire someone life me” should be either “why don’t you spend some money, hire someone” with a fucking comma in between, or change it to ” spend some money hiring someone ..”
I think you’re the one who needs more attention on your English standard.
How could you write the F word? My eyes are bleeding seeing such word. What have I done to you make you spread hateness towards me?
Hatred is the word you’re looking for. Hateness does not exist.
Typo. I knew hateness didn’t exist. That’s not important. You haven’t answered my question.
come on, admit you don’t know the word hatred. having hateness instead of hatred is too far from being called a typo.
or you should just pretend you meant to say hatefulness.
OR hate itself is already a noun.
Lame. Who says comp can’t type chinese, so long as you set the settings correctly, 就可以了。白目
it could happen when they don’t know HOW to type Chinese.
I am a Canto and I never know how to type Chinese properly in 速成 or 倉頡. I used the writing pad for half of my life until I finally managed to learn typing with pinyin. lol
just saying.
如果你認同Grammar Nazi的語法,我想不是人家沒練英文,是你沒練英文。
Don’t be fooled. He/she is craving for attention.
If not, this is an advertisement of some sort, you should leave your contact information.
No one knows me. Why would I crave for attention from anon?
perhaps you don’t have any friend in reality.. that’s why????
It also hurt my brain when someone proclaims that their English is close to flawless when they can’t even use their vocabulary properly.
how is* everyone going to understand what you are* saying if you don’t use your grammar and tense right? come on Nazi! be a real nazi!
your english hurt my eyes! its awful.
meh….it’s just comment, not cover letter, or resume, or essay. Relax~
Hey, I feel sad for you, have you seen a doctor? Or have you taken you medication?
I feel very sorry for Grammar Nazi’s parents. May GN have a peace, loving and a happy life.
u need a psychiatry, grammar nazi. i think u got delusion of grandiosity !
1. how “is” everyone going to understand….
2. why don’t you spend some money “hiring” someone…
you literally suck, bitch.
Why cant people you mean? who the fuk would put do and cant at the same time? Come to America let me teach you how to write first. btw i will meet you at the white house nigger
其他來賓我光看背影就認的出來, 唯獨沒認出來的. . .漢典@@
Xiao S’ fashion is always hit or miss,
But today she nails it~
Your English is contains a lot of mistakes here. First is Xiao’S not Xiao S’ and second is Xiao ‘S fashion is always hitting or missing because you need to put -ing at the back of verb when you use is.
Dude, your own comment contain mistakes aldy, “Your English is contains” ? wdf . and you dont put the -ing in this sentence because he is refering to the fashion, hit or miss is correct.
Oh my god, your English needs improving. Spelling mistakes contains aldy, wdf, dont. Already is the correct spelling and there is no such words as wdf, it is simply wrong. You should not simplify apostrophy when you writed don’t. Bless you.
Let me teach you how to put your comment into a proper and grammatically correct way. ‘Oh my god. Your English needs improving. There are spelling mistakes such as ‘aldy’, ‘wdf’, and ‘dont’. ‘Already’ is the correct spelling, and there is no such word as ‘wdf’; it is simply wrong. You should not simplify apostrophes when you write ‘don’t’. Bless you.”
So you assumed yourself a joker showing off how your English is great?
I never said my English is great. You were the one who said your English is close to ‘flawless’.
So you have problem with people claiming their English proficiencies? Others don’t have right to express their opinions in English? Sad on you.
Shame on you, keyboard warrior.
Lol? , dude fuck off man, you’re on the net . and bless your mum too, retarded .
Wait. I never really said mean things.
For whatever it is, there’s nothing more ridiculous than someone calling themselves a Nazi, just that alone you should be ashamed of yourself. It’s nice of you attempting to improve other’s grammar, but first proofread your own sentences before you’re being such a smart ass. It’s your superior attitude that’s annoying, not your bad grammar. What is up with all your usage of the letter ‘s’ after each verb? And please do not attempt to so-called correct people with your Chinglish, using although and but together in the same sentence is only grammatically correct in Chinese, never in English. Look up the word simplify in an English dictionary, using simplify in that sentence only make sense in Chinese, replace it with something like eliminate is really what you’re trying to express.The word ‘write’ is an irregular verb, try memorizing: write, wrote, written. I know you’re just one sad sorry ass that want to get attention, which you’ve succeeded. One friendly suggestion to you though, shut down your computer and get out of the house. Learn to interact with real people in person, signing up for an ESL class will be a good start for you. BTW, maybe you don’t have any friends to text message with, but aldy, wdt, and not using an apostrophe is considered acceptable when you’re writing casually. This is just an internet forum, it is not like you’re writing your master’s thesis. Spread love not hate.
what the fuck nigger~~~~peace
Totally agree! Although stating Xiao S’ is not correct, correcting it to Xiao’S is also wrong. It should be Xiao S’s.
Totally agree itself is grammatically wrong. You should put a subject at front and followed by is. In this case, you should say I am totally agreeing. You should also say although….., but…… It looks strange when you say although and followed by another sentence without but.
I don’t agree with you, although you must have a subject in your sentense, but it does not necessarily follow by s. Moreover, it is ok to follow the sentenses without a but. So everything you stated above is INCORRECT! Hahahaha ha
It’s Xiao S ‘s not Xiao’s! If you are not good in writing a proper English, can you please be quiet?
What are you talking about? ” Your English is contains a lot of mistakes here? ” what kind of sentence is this? By reading your English, I know you sucked! So, you better keep you f mouth shut!
Xiao S’ pen is correct, Charles’ dog is correct, not Charles’s dog.
媽的, 真他媽的不喜歡蔡老給
吳依霖的話, 簡單的說就是有實力的人才有本錢不笑.
討厭吳依霖的行為 以為別人都是自己的學生嗎