康熙來了 2009-05-14 我在異鄉生活的日子

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324 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-05-14 我在異鄉生活的日子

  1. [YT] 第一個消音是”I have a friend, once at the band camp”是來自American Pie裡面的
    因為American Pie裡面有個女生就是常常用”I have a friend, once at the band camp”來開頭講自己的事


  2. [YT] 他不是號稱在國外長大麽

  3. [YT] (以下含有少兒不宜的内容,未成年人請自動繞開)

  4. [YT] 陳宇風是之前演偶像劇薰衣草裡面女主角姊姊的男朋友嗎??

  5. [YT] 外國人平常也隨便弄些速食吃

  6. [YT] 我交過的白種人女朋友覺得我們亞洲人比較溫柔…..當然啦, 我遇到的一堆韓國人品性太差了….在學校裡面根本是被唾棄的, 我到了這裡之後才知道什麼叫做沒品德

  7. [YT] 真的不明白為什麼有些香港人會以為應采兒是香港人……….一聽她的廣東話就知道她是外地人啦…… 有時候不看字幕根本就不知她說什麼…..

  8. [YT] 我覺得每個人的審美眼光都不同啦,像我白人朋友喜歡的男明星,我就覺得還OK,沒什么特別。 至于應采兒的locker room見解。。。還是有穿bra & underwear 啦。 練肌肉的話。。。對,通常好少看到asian練,高中四年來都是外國居多

  9. [YT] She spelled “bilingual” wrong as well, so why’d she even dance and ask for money?! she didn’t even win…she tries too hard to be “ABC” sometimes and it’s kind of annoying.

  10. [YT] yeah i dunno why but i notice that ppl who speak english fluently normally suck at spellings. lan juntian was good though, at least he could spell it. but vanness seemed a bit 自以为是

  11. [YT] the problem lies not in “realise” but in “pronounciation” – pronunciation is right. =) hehe…

    but i guess what you say is true regarding the spelling 😛

  12. [YT] true the literacy level in usa is the lowest among developed countries, they simply want to keep the general public as dumb as possible and have an elite to run the country, which explains their low quality of foundational education and high quality of further education

  13. [YT] 應采兒香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港香港…他是香港人

  14. [YT] OMG! 應采兒說 “10 cents” 是 “十角”!!!! [康熙來了]的字幕也是 “十角” No one corrected each other. 怎麼能連普通的生活常識也沒有?!

  15. [YT] OMG! 應采兒說 “10 cents” 是 “十角”!!!! [康熙來了]的字幕也是 “十角” No one corrects each other. 怎麼能連普通的生活常識也沒有?!

  16. [YT] Can’t believe all these guests who claimed they grew up or spent a big part of their lives outside Taiwan cannot even spell “bilingual” correctly!!! Elementary school students can do that!!! Shame!

  17. [YT] This problem has really existed for quite a while… I think there may be two prime reasons. First, it is hard for the show company to hire and retrain a new employee, this job really requires lots of works. Second, to make improvements in English isn’t easy in Taiwan for most of the natives.

  18. [YT] 我十四歲時移民到美國(就兩年前)


  19. [YT] 我想他是想說零食和小吃吧….
    這並竟是餘興的節目 不用這麼嚴格啦^^”
    我們說話也常常亂說呀 大家聽得懂就行了…

  20. [YT] 好誇張, “鼻” 不會寫就在嗆啊. 有一些台灣人念了一輩子的書有很多字也不會寫. 真的學習環境有差啦, 像我本身來美國九年了, 連夢中都是在講英文. 加上大部分朋友都是當地人, 當然中文用得少, 自然而然國字就越忘越多

  21. [YT] 聶雲is kind of racist…
    and asians do look a lot different from whites. he just thinks he’s better than blacks…
    most white girls don’t like dating asian guys anyway cuz they think they’re not manly enough

  22. [YT] 東方人數理化好不是完完全全因爲先天問題~~

  23. [YT] haha yea~ that’s why we have grade schools here – to learn how to spell !! and one not receiving the adequate education doesnt mean that one is poorly educated. Thousands of college students here came from low socioeconomic background where their schools are poorly equipped and staffed, but still lots of them made it to the universities and succeeded. you are the one to determine whether you’ll be educated or not… not necessary these external factors! =] let’s go studying now!! haha Jia Yo!

  24. [YT] 在大學裏面上過語言學課說到


  25. [YT] 有些時候是因為年輕, 我也有遇過老師或週遭年長,有時是一時的,有時是真的長久以來,誤聽發音,導致拼的時候是用他以為對的發音寫出,這讓我想到之前有一則新聞就說到 布希(還是別人我忘了)很久以前就不太會拼 tomorrow,有時候是真的是根教育有關,但不是像有些人認為 “拼錯字=沒受過足夠教育”? 我只是懶的查,我記得還有一些新聞是講一些有名的學者也有會有拼錯字的

  26. [YT] you are right, i met a lot of people like that too.
    Most caucasion would like dark skin asian. They are into asian not because of the look, but more into heart

  27. [YT] haha omg dearie theyre talking about sex, like its so big its hitting her lungs when they do it hahaha thats quite funny, why would the cantonese have a phrase like that, theyre not known for big ones haha

  28. [YT] 聶雲是聖荷西的哦,還以爲他是洛杉磯的。我看了這一集感覺超慚愧,國字忘得差不多了,說中文也超級不順(注音,認字我還會但寫的話有點困難)。重點是我15嵗才到國外的!我現在只待了4年,可第一年中文都忘得差不多了。英文說得道地又怎樣,中文都給忘了,慚愧呀。

  29. [YT] but the sounds of -lingual and -langual are way different from one another. There are many children here who don’t receive adequate education/training due to various reasons….

  30. [YT] It’s cantonese “頂你的肺”,
    不過他後來也還是說 “my lungs”

    It was shown in the preview, but now its censored,
    i guess cuz its swearing?

  31. [YT] i guess some of u guys leaving comments about Vanness here are also staying overseas, then i must say u guys also fail to realise that it is true even some of the native eng speakers cant spell some words properly, there are many reasons, one of them is mostly cuz they often only hear the words rather than like us whose eng is our 2nd language usuallly learn both the spelling and pronounciation together. I am not defending for him, but saying this out of my experience

  32. [YT] There is generally a bit different between Caucasian and Asian…
    that does not mean there are no Caucasian that does not have small ones… 🙂
    it also does not mean that black people does not have small ones 🙂 lol

  33. [YT] 聂云送书给汉典 我觉得蛮好 因为在许多节目中嘉宾都不会送东西给汉典这样的助理主持 虽然不送也没关系 但是也是对人家起码的尊重 起码有意识到还有个副主持人 我觉得这点做的蛮好···希望他的书大卖·~~~lol

  34. [YT] I think it’s quite true that Caucasians have a different perspective of a pretty chinese compared to the perspective of real chinese. Like here, in Singapore, i’ve seen Caucasians dating or even married to chinese, we would never ever say pretty. Not being mean or anything here.. but just thought-provoking at the thought of it.

  35. [YT] he doesnt really need to change his clothes since he doesnt really depends on his looks, when he got the brain. PLUS, audience should be paying attention to xiao S instead of kang yong’s dressing.

  36. [YT] 好像是…聶雲他說的好像是一個電影還是電視劇的台詞,那句就是說有一個人每次說他自己的事情都會說『他有一個朋友….怎樣怎樣』實際上都是他自己,然後應彩兒剛好被接在後面,會讓人有聯想會不會是他自己,所以他說他『發誓』他真的有一個朋友有交過黑人男友….我想是這樣!哈!.

  37. [YT] 除非真的年紀小就開始待在那種環境裡

  38. [YT] 最近康永總是一個造型錄好多集…….不知道是造型師懶還是康永懶……上一次他一套灰白格的套裝不知道穿了多久…..真是受不了。他這個髮型都看一個星期了……..

  39. [YT] 香港一句髒話叫「頂你個肺」。
    可是我不太明白I have a friend那句,是說每次用「我有個朋友」,始終都在講自己經歷的意思嗎?

  40. [YT] 別太看得起自己了
    如果真的要簡單方便 那就真的像歐美的一包料就夠了

  41. [YT] 哈哈,我前男友全家也是被芝麻汤圆吓坏了,结果我一个人必须把12颗全部吃掉

    还有一天早上心血来潮做了饺子,而且有煮的还有煎的哦,结果都放在一边晾着,说早上只吃冷的东西 =_= 要等饺子冷了再吃

  42. [YT] 同意!前两天还听一个美国人说他觉得台湾人英文太差了….黄国伦读不少书,英文也不怎么样….英文好又怎么样?老外去说华语的地方应该学中文,凭什么要我们迁就他们?!

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