康熙來了 2009-08-05 好久不見 CoCo 李玟

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156 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-08-05 好久不見 CoCo 李玟

  1. [YT] 其实我蛮同意黄立成所说,歌手对歌的sense是很好的,他们也知道什么叫做真正的好歌,所以让歌手自己挑歌蛮好的。反而唱片公司都会选一些他们自以为好听、会红的歌,但往往这些歌虽然容易听,可是却无法让人留下深刻的印象。

  2. [YT] coco lee, born in hong kong, with ancestry of mainland china, harbin, she moved to the united states when she was 10, so technically, she is not an american-born-chinese aka ABC! get your facts straight people!

  3. [YT] well if you transfer from a community college then it’s easy to get in anywhere. As far as I know coco also got into a medical school somewhere

  4. [YT] well if you transfer from a community college then it’s easy to get in anywhere. As far as I know coco also got into a medical school somewhere.

  5. [YT] yaya coco is not taiwanese n wonder why we always talk ’bout nationality n humble ourself that bad …..hooo….watching this on wii…..so wanna talk in taiwanese….taiwan goooooood

  6. [YT] 李玟根本不是台灣人, 她算半個美國人吧, 但她應該是香港來的! 但她在香港根本不紅, 只有台灣把她當超級巨星吧!

  7. [YT] 不满意选歌的是她的制作人小刚,那个producer王爷只是被主持逼着挑coco开场不完美的地方,所以他只好说了尾音。


  8. [YT] 我倒是觉得这样一个问题一个问题慢慢问比较尊重来宾。因为以往的康熙有些时候会来宾没回答完上一个问题,就会被打断跳到其他的问题上。或者是几个人抢话说,抢着表现自己而变成场面很混乱的状况。

  9. [YT] noooooooo~ not Michael jackson. Why talk abt him again? Talking abt him makes me sad all over again :'( And she’s been to neverland?!? I’m so jealouss! lovveee Michael :!

  10. [YT] 最近好多人發片。一年一張的發﹐很久沒有見到的發﹐新人的發﹐奇怪的發(玉琳哥跟景行廳)﹐走到唱片行整個都是今年的熱辣辣專輯。這個對唱片圈也是好事啦﹐畢竟有人肯出錢投資刺激買氣。

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