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[YT] 鸡皮疙瘩 哇!!coco李好赞啊!!
[YT] 从来没有注意coco,看了这集觉得她很漂亮,而且还蛮可爱的。
[YT] my gosh it’s the first time i see kangyong acting out something like that @ 4:11!
[YT] michael jackson 真的很可愛…
永遠是the king of pop …
mj ‧you is the best
[YT] 最愛coco了……….8/21會到FUNKY去開唱 真的是等不及了
[YT] I’m proud of Coco,coz we’re from Hong Kong .She’s so great!
[YT] whatever!
[YT] LOL this nigga
[YT] 其实我蛮同意黄立成所说,歌手对歌的sense是很好的,他们也知道什么叫做真正的好歌,所以让歌手自己挑歌蛮好的。反而唱片公司都会选一些他们自以为好听、会红的歌,但往往这些歌虽然容易听,可是却无法让人留下深刻的印象。
[YT] i guess u not a fans fo coco!!! Pls mind ur words!!! wat 60 old man!! as long she happy we should wish her the Best!!
[YT] 一直覺得容嘉跟在大哥身邊好可惜..
[YT] 我覺得 coco 以前的歌 真的比較好聽
當然 現在也很好 ……….
[YT] 未婚夫是那個快60的老頭ㄇ?
[YT] 哈哈哈!
[YT] lol haha hee hee…..imao…
[YT] bangalis gao lickers haha but fear and scare Coco Lee.. woof woof I like it.
[YT] lol…told u oredi Handian’s india indians fear Coco Coco Lee. haha…..
[YT] 黃立成很好 幫李文說話
[YT] who is coco’s fiance?
[YT] 懂個屁啊NeoDevilMan
[YT] JLO很胖耶其實
[YT] who cares where she comes from, she can sing, thats all matter.
[YT] coco lee, born in hong kong, with ancestry of mainland china, harbin, she moved to the united states when she was 10, so technically, she is not an american-born-chinese aka ABC! get your facts straight people!
[YT] 也是,Ricky Martin跟MJ比起来还是Level有差…
[YT] coco的手鏈是我很想要的那個~~
[YT] coco singaporean india indians fear u wholesomely hahahah
[YT] 我记得上次看coco资料的时候,叙述她在美国开演唱会的时候,MJ也有去看她的演唱会。
[YT] 是陈汉典身上的衣服~
[YT] 是陳漢典吧…
[YT] sad sad…i miss michael.
[YT] 新加坡狗要加油了
[YT] well if you transfer from a community college then it’s easy to get in anywhere. As far as I know coco also got into a medical school somewhere
[YT] well if you transfer from a community college then it’s easy to get in anywhere. As far as I know coco also got into a medical school somewhere.
[YT] yaya coco is not taiwanese n wonder why we always talk ’bout nationality n humble ourself that bad …..hooo….watching this on wii… wanna talk in taiwanese….taiwan goooooood
[YT] it’s chinese.
[YT] 小剛..goosh….sigh
[YT] 那個yxuz先生是下巴中風嗎?一臉雞巴樣
[YT] lmao XDDDDD handian fake ass..
[YT] i’m not a fan of MJ
but knida sad when i heard this brief story for some reason :'( ?
[YT] 黃立成說得很中肯~很實在
[YT] 新加坡狗是知名的色胚,專把年輕女生, 當時新聞都有報
[YT] Live比舊唱片裡的版本還好聽 經過歷練就是不一樣!!
[YT] yxuz是知名的色胚,專把年輕女生, 當時新聞都有報
[YT] 只想說李玟是香港人
[YT] 按錯!我同意啦…
[YT] 你是說倒帶嘛..?
[YT] 說人崇洋媚外~你自己國籍地區選美國
[YT] 管他是abc还是xyz
[YT] 可能牙齿不够整齐影响到这个名字的发音吧。
[YT] 可能市场目标不同吧,我肯定她在Madagascar不红。
[YT] …they are not speaking japanese. its chinese… half of what she says is in english probably because she’s like an abc..
[YT] 是陳漢典的衣服吧= =”
[YT] 台湾小,老外都懂国际化,台湾人有能力的当然也要出外找多点机会啊,不一定是崇 洋。
[YT] 那是coco的手鍊聲音嗎?整集一直響個不停 聽的有點煩燥..
[YT] 我不喜歡他,台灣太可憐了,好的都外銷出去,爛的都留給自己,崇洋媚外真該好好的改一改
[YT] 蔡老gay~xDD
[YT] 唱歌ok就好了,管她哪來!!北韓也歡迎阿,來個北韓”萬人舞”靠腰的好看…..
[YT] 康永哥小S很波點矣今天~
[YT] 那你有所不知,台灣很多笨蛋看到abc就發情,娼騙公司就利用這點
[YT] 漢典的服裝好好看喔!
[YT] 管她是abc还是def,看的是她的表演,又不是看她什么身份
[YT] 蔡老gay模仿yoda實在是有夠白痴,而且他還念YUDA
[YT] 那個王先生是下巴中風嗎?一臉雞巴樣
[YT] 能去MJ家真的很不得了,Ricky Martin, hm, not so much…
[YT] 黃歷程是演藝圈知名的色胚,專把年輕女生,coco跟小s他都追過,當時新聞都有報
[YT] 裡文是假abc, 她是香港出生的,招搖撞騙很久了
[YT] coco lee has been to neverland and ate breakfast with michael!! ahhhhh!!!!!! i envy her so much
[YT] 台灣已經算還好
[YT] Coco的聲音乾淨到連壓縮後都很好聽。
[YT] taiwan… electornic stuff!!!…
[YT] 好聽到起雞皮!!
[YT] o.o Why is half of what she says in English? I can almost completly understand this even though I don’t speak Japanese.
[YT] Coco’s a international star.
[YT] 她还是那么迷人呀
[YT] I thk Coco’s agent has spoken too much, he doesn’t really speak with caution.
[YT] Kong Yong and Xiao S outfit so matching today! haha.
[YT] exactly…..totally agreed
[YT] 李玟根本不是台灣人, 她算半個美國人吧, 但她應該是香港來的! 但她在香港根本不紅, 只有台灣把她當超級巨星吧!
[YT] coco很漂亮啊
[YT] 蔡康永好搞笑!!
[YT] 有幾個chords很像, 但整個progression不一樣.
[YT] 雖然他在台灣很紅! 她也不錯~
[YT] oh~罵髒話那邊快笑死了!
[YT] 小s與康永哥的衣服很搭
[YT] 陳漢典他好吵哦!(衣服)
[YT] 這個小剛不是以前帶孫燕姿的剛媽?
[YT] 最后那首歌不是那个谁的终于明白爱回不来吗?
[YT] 實力派唱將
[YT] 其實不能怪說台灣本地藝人
[YT] Coco you’re the queen!! Great to see you again..謝謝分享
[YT] Coco is so funny and nice!!!
[YT] 蔡康永鐵定是星際迷
[YT] 暗示好好聽!!!!!
[YT] 不满意选歌的是她的制作人小刚,那个producer王爷只是被主持逼着挑coco开场不完美的地方,所以他只好说了尾音。
[YT] american twiitters a lot
[YT] 軟性恐嚇主持人 = +
[YT] MJ is a very nice person, fucking media….
[YT] coz she doesnt look like Jolin
[YT] 變瘦了^^
[YT] small s, u stop making fun of MJ please!!!
[YT] i’ve never really got to know Coco, but she seems like a really genuine person 🙂
[YT] 覺得coco的歌聲比以前更讚,多了份歷練的感覺,好聽到爆
[YT] Coco’s eyes look like a bit of strange, what happened?
[YT] coco 家在比佛利山莊 diana ross 也住在他家附近 真羨慕
[YT] 以前國中跳啦啦隊還跳cococ的好心情
轉眼已經過了7.8年 看到她好感動阿
我每張專輯都有買 coco加油
[YT] Madonna is a goddess that fakes british accent 🙂
[YT] COCO的声音好动听
[YT] 我倒是觉得这样一个问题一个问题慢慢问比较尊重来宾。因为以往的康熙有些时候会来宾没回答完上一个问题,就会被打断跳到其他的问题上。或者是几个人抢话说,抢着表现自己而变成场面很混乱的状况。
[YT] coco lee is pretty funny and entertaining~!!! =)
damn… i haven’t seen her in the music scene in a LONG TIME~!!!
[YT] what kinda stupid ranking is that…..
[YT] 爱COCO李玟
[YT] woo! coco’s back! 😀
[YT] Madonna is a Goddess.
[YT] 蔡康永模仿好好笑 !!
[YT] 墨鏡跟魔鏡也差太多了吧…
[YT] 感觉nancy是素颜版的coco….
[YT] coco is wearing Kylie Minogue’s 2003 album outfit
[YT] 小剛還滿有梗的
[YT] omg that song was AMAZINGGGG
[YT] madonna噁心死了
[YT] yea
coco twitters!
[YT] 台灣本地的藝人特別是正妹都太顧形象了, 全部都放不開, 這樣隨性的很少啦…… 像coco 這樣很可愛~~
[YT] 繼多集超級無聊的路人康熙之后,終于來了個大牌。。。
[YT] The producer is kinda rude wasn’t he?
Looks like he was very unhappy about some song selection.
[YT] please rip michael…..
[YT] noooooooo~ not Michael jackson. Why talk abt him again? Talking abt him makes me sad all over again :'( And she’s been to neverland?!? I’m so jealouss! lovveee Michael :!
[YT] coco so sexy
[YT] coco is so cute and nice~
[YT] wow~ coco去过梦幻庄园~ 好让人羡慕~~
[YT] 你讲的没错
[YT] 最近好多人發片。一年一張的發﹐很久沒有見到的發﹐新人的發﹐奇怪的發(玉琳哥跟景行廳)﹐走到唱片行整個都是今年的熱辣辣專輯。這個對唱片圈也是好事啦﹐畢竟有人肯出錢投資刺激買氣。
[YT] 陳漢典笑死我了
[YT] 好喜欢小S今天的衣服~
[YT] coco 也素快过气的人了…那个 经纪人确实很挫…
[YT] 大明星就是會有冷場﹐整場聽到”沙沙”聲﹐好乾的現場。還是通告咖比較可以熱場!!!
[YT] damn.. coco has great voice. sang so good
[YT] 笑死…轉得好快…
[YT] 黃立成好有個性….
[YT] lovely song…..
[YT] 小刚好眼熟,是不是以前也做过孙燕姿,而且上过康熙?
[YT] haha…george luka’s kid is yoda
[YT] actually i think coco is really nice…
[YT] s的裙子很好看
[YT] 小s的頭,為什麼是這個頭=.=?
[YT] 最近好多前辈艺人出现哦!
[YT] 7:57
she twitters?!
[YT] I go to UC Irvine too! UC Irvine is really easy
[YT] 陈汉店!!!
[YT] lol. Coco is so cute here!
[YT] I go to UC Irvine too! UC Irvine is really easy to get in la~
[YT] wow xiao s is soo smart
[YT] ya~明天又要卸妆了`
[YT] 蔡康永好搞笑,模仿星际的那段~超幼稚
[YT] 漂亮很多啊~