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[YT] 啾啾現在也看不出來像有發育的
[YT] 哈哈 大賤諜好久沒那摩麼好笑了, 這集好笑!!!
[YT] 瑤瑤越來越綜藝咖了~
[YT] @panwu28 總是有些狗只會亂吠的
[YT] @yxuz 所以你認識nono囉~你跟他很熟囉~
[YT] @poiulkqaasa 你是哪裡有問題?nono說有離前面的車2~300公尺了~
[YT] 瑤瑤❤
[YT] @iusnokia3350 人家現在都有這麼大的傷口,不像是啦
[YT] 啾啾心机女,一直在抢话。为人超假!
[YT] 支持瑤瑤!
[YT] 还节目效果 你做这种不用的脑的事情的效果就是被骂的这么惨 不管他是不是两厢情愿 观众看了能爽吗 没脑
[YT] 那個NONO也滿扯的,前面出子爆胎應該怪司機事不是沒保持安全距離,還有前面爆胎的車沒在保養,輪胎磨平了沒換!
怎麼反而怪助理? 那個助理也滿衰的,任事NONO這種人! 悲哀!
[YT] 超好笑:差不多兩斤多 有甜
[YT] 16歲出車禍傷口到18歲還沒好?啾啾說的故事是編造的吧!
[YT] 越来越觉得黄国伦真的很无聊
[YT] @allkleoleo
[YT] 哇~小鐘哥好可憐哦。。
[YT] nono本身就是一個大豬哥啊,她們應該小心他才對
[YT] so he is like good luck chuck.
[YT] 瑤一瑤 這個好笑
小鐘帶紅那些人嗎= =
[YT] 好幸福喔 他弟的同學
[YT] 啾啾好吵喔……..
[YT] nono 笑死我了 哈哈
[YT] 誰一歲到十六歲會完全沒受傷過?
[YT] 瑤瑤最可愛了!!!
[YT] 很愛瑤瑤!!!
[YT] 瑤一瑤 好笑 0 0″
[YT] omg girls MUSTTTT yell when that happens!! my mom always tell me that, even if you’re scared or doesn’t know what to do, if you yell at least it’ll scare the guy away and hopefully someone will hear
[YT] 原來大賤諜和國光是一個棚啊
[YT] what Nono said in the beginning reminded me of Show…he was very unpopular but worked really hard, and see where he is today 🙂 very successful!!
[YT] does 小梁ge smoke?! is that why his face always looks gray-ish…?
[YT] 最愛瑤瑤了!!!
[YT] 有小钟和的综艺节目特别好看,充满笑点。
[YT] 小梁最近也蠻衰的